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The Elusive High Mileage Carburetor


Much of the public has constantly heard stories from friends or relatives about someone in the next county or state who, in his garage, has built a carburetor that attained fantastic mileage, then was met with some unexpected fate. The bulk of the American public will choose to believe that such rumors are nonsense.

Unfortunately, the average American has the opinion that if it were possible to attain such an increase in gasoline mileage, then it would have been done long ago by the automotive industry. They have no reason to doubt this. After all, if they could produce a full-size car that could attain anywhere near 100 m.p.g. they would conserve fuel. Look how darn small the newer cars are.

And what about the United States government? Every week there's something new on the news programs about energy conservation.

No. Any idea that the automotive industry or the government is making an effort to cover up a fuel saving device is utterly ridiculous.

I can understand why the public feels this way. It is indeed what we have been shown by the government and who can doubt the complete honesty and integrity of our perfect government? Everyone knows that if they say that something is so, then it is so.

We are not everyone. We were at one time, but recent experience has permanently changed that. What we have seen has saddened and sickened us. We still believe that this country is the greatest in the world. Only, it is the people of this country that have made it great, not the international monopolies and owned politicians that effect it so greatly.

This book will show you the conclusions that we have come to face. We are not political fanatics. We do not jump fences or stage demonstrations out of overwhelming enthusiasm.

We are tired and need the support of the public to attain our goals. In order to acquire your support, you need to be enlightened to a reality that has not been visible to the public since its inception. Yes, bits and pieces surface around the country and turn into gossip. Here in this book you will see the whole picture and decide for yourself. With the information that you will gain, you would need to be an incurably closed-minded person not to provide us with your support.

Being close-minded and sticking your head in the sand may temporarily block out unpleasant things; but as in Hitler Germany, this only allows matters to get dangerously out of control.

We hope that if this book does reach the public, it will inspire you to actively pursue the truth and do everything within your power and the power of your social organizations to overcome any injustice being done to us. Copyright 1981 Larry D. Wagner Tacoma, Washington

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