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The Elusive High Mileage Carburetor

A note from the author

You will find that within this book I express very strong views on automotive efficiency and energy and of the big business and big government that control them.

I thank God that I live in a country that is still free enough to allow me to state these views through the press. One thing that must be understood though, is that the information offered in this book is based on my personal opinion. The agencies I mention could well charge me with slander if I made an effort to convince you, the reader, that my opinion was absolute fact! So, I will stress again, this book is based on my opinions, no matter how harshly or bluntly stated.

You will consider this information and weigh it for yourself. I hope it helps you to form convictions regarding these issues that you can be comfortable with as true.


This book contains information on several types of fuel systems that I have experimented with. Information is given to those who wish to duplicate our efforts with these systems. Though we found the most fantastic increases in our testing to come from the unit described in this book as the Complex System, we found that it is not a project for the amateur inventor. There are still factors to be solved in building it for consistent use. The system described as the Simple System has been built by thousands of citizens. Judging by the mail we've received, many of our readers have been delighted with increases in mileage of up to 250 percent.

Therefore, I advise you, if you are interested in your own experimenting in fuel saving devices, try the Simple System first.

Use caution in your work and Good Luck.

Larry D. Wagner
President/Carburetion Technology
Div. of Wagner Research & Development, Inc.
6316 128th Street East P.O. Box 73067
Puyallup, Washington 98373

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