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The Elusive High Mileage Carburetor

by Larry D. Wagner

Edited for the Web by Bruce McBurney


Preliminary Notes...

This is a E-reprint of the following book all attempts to contact the author and publisher have failed However I am assured by Mr Brad Dennis who is the remaining outlet for the books and according to the Printer had Obtained the Rights. He assured Me that Mr. Larry Wagner would appreciate this effort.

Any way, I feel our Lives are at risk and if some copyright is slightly infringed on, so be it. Kind of a self defense rule, If you can Kill another Who is attempting to kill you. it is justifiable. I do not want to kill anyone, just share what we need to survive.

If you would like to purchase a copy of this book or the "Oil Crisis Answers" By J.E. (Ambassador) Jackson or "The Secret of the 100 M.P.G. Automobile" By Thomas O'Brien Contact Brad Dennis 7532 Brigadoon Pl., Fridley Min., 55432 the books are $10.00 Plus $2.50 S + H.

< My notes are in < > everything else is reprinted from the book and the credit goes to original author.>

Table of Contents

Front cover
A note from the author
Chapter 1: In the Beginning
Chapter 2: A Little History
Chapter 3: Alternate Fuel? 
Chapter 4: More About C.T.E
Chapter 5: An Explanation of Gas Vaporization
Chapter 6: C.T.E. Vaporizes
Chapter 7: The Second System
Chapter 8: Air Induction
Chapter 9: The Exhaust Gases and the Heat Exchanger
Chapter 10: The Primary Heat Exchanger Unit
Chapter 11: Water/Steam Injection
Chapter 12: The Simple System
Chapter 13: More Designing

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