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Whole Person Fertility Program
National and International Fertility
Consultation and Counseling Services
         The Whole Person Fertility Program services are available nationally and internationally either with direct one-on-one meetings or through a unique and highly effective telephone meeting program with couples and individuals. This is an effective and richly rewarding experience encompassing the latest mind-body therapeutic modalities, including tension-releasing processes, breathing exercises, biofeedback, visualization, journal writing, tapes and dream work.

                 The Process is as follows:

  1. An appointment is made for an initial (telephone) consultation.

  2. A self-administered Mind/Body Attitudinal and Lifestyle Profile is mailed or given to you.

  3. The Profile is then returned to our office along with family photos. (The photos will be returned to you by Priority Mail.)

  4. During the (telephone) consultation we review the family photos and begin mapping your family history.

  5. During the follow-up counseling appointments we continue exploring and resolving current and past issues around fertility and conception.
         Our groundbreaking program utilizes various mind/body techniques to move you along your path.
Mind-Body Health, Attidudinal and Lifestyle Profile: Offers a rich source of current and historical information to begin our work together.

Ephistogram: Drawing Your Family Tree. The ephistogram is an emotional and physical family health history that helps you recognize the powerful influence of family behavior patterns and belief systems that tend to be repeated from generation to generation.

Biofeedback: Monitors states of tension or relaxation by providing moment-to-moment feedback on the interaction between emotions and bodily processes. Every feeling, no matter how vague or subtle, gets registered in our mind-body.

Photoanalysis: What Are Your Family Photos Telling You? Learning how to "read" family photographs as "mirrors with memories" deepens our understanding about significant family patterns and values and how they affect our lives.

Relaxation Exercises and Tension-Releasing Processes

Emotional-Releasing Processes

Deep Relaxation and Guided Imagery

Tape: Nature's Ode To Conception/Riding The Wings Of The Butterfly: Two guided visualizations from the Whole Person Fertility Program assist you in celebrating yourself as a sensual, sexual fertile being. Deep relaxation exercises increase the blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients to the endometrium necessary to sustain a pregnancy.

For more information and training program brochures:

Call 1-800-666-HEAL

email:[email protected]

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