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Whole Person Fertility Program

Nourish and The Whole Person Professional Training Institute
invite you to Practitioner Training:
15th -18th June 2006, London

The Emerging Role of Mind/Body Counseling in Fertility, Health and Healing

In this exciting era of mind/body research, we are discovering how our endocrine, immune and nervous systems are all intimately connected and influenced by every thought we think and emotions we feel which affects our reproductive system.


NIRAVI B. PAYNE, M.S. - an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of reproductive health; and, author of *“The Whole Person Fertility Program: A Revolutionary Mind/Body Process to Help You Conceive.” Niravi is a practicing psychotherapist and biofeedback specialist, founder and director of the Whole Person Fertility Professional Training Institute in New York.

This training is a unique and exciting opportunity to learn innovative mind/body skills and techniques to assist professionals working in the reproductive health field.

Are You Working With Women and Men Who Are:
  • Having Difficulty Conceiving?
  • Experiencing Secondary Infertility?
  • Having Difficulty Holding a Pregnancy to Term?
  • Wish to Increase the Effectiveness of Natural and/or Medical Fertility Processes?
  • Preparing for Natural Delivery

This training program challenges the traditionally held view that problems with fertility are purely a medical condition to be treated with drugs and surgery. Niravi Payne explains how our minds and bodies can be so affected by generations of family’s beliefs and patterns of behavior that our natural fertility and ability to conceive can be blocked. Her unique techniques of self-analysis help women and men become conscious about what needs changing in their lives to reclaim their fertility, conceive and give birth to a baby.

* Translated in German and Spanish

The Whole Person Professional Training Institute
A Groundbreaking Four-Day Training Course



Thursday, December 8 to Sunday, December 11, 2005
West Wind Inn, Sanibel, Florida
on the Gulf of Mexico
The Spirit of the Tropics on Sanibel Island, Florida

A Unique and Exciting Opportunity to Learn Innovative
Mind/Body Skills and Techniques
Presented by:
Ms. Payne is an internationally recognized pioneer with 24 years of experience in the mind/body field of reproductive health; psychotherapist, biofeedback specialist and the founder/director of the Whole Person Fertility Program and the Whole Person Professional Training Institute. She is the Author of The Whole Person Fertility Program: A Revolutionary Mind/Body Process to Help You Conceive -- Three Rivers Press, 1998.
Niravi's basic intent is to heal the
unnatural split between mind and body,
offering a comprehensive, solid, well tried,
documented and highly successful program.

"Niravi has courageously led the way to the creation of a whole new language and approach to fertility. This language examines how and why unexpressed emotions and unfinished business from childhood affect fertility...Very often when individuals and couples really engage in the transformational work Niravi presents here, a child indeed is conceived."

                     Christiane Northrup, M.D., Author of
                     Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom
Fertility Clinics Begin To Address Mental Health!

In the past decade, fertility experts have made advances in reproductive technology. But increasingly these experts are finding that we must pay attention to the most fundamental and low tech of issues, the emotional health of their infertility patients...
                                                                     Health & Fitness...The N.Y. Times 10/01/2002

  • A new vision in women's health care today is emerging, challenging the age-old separation of mind and body in the healing process. This unnatural split undergirds the reproductive crisis of today. As health care professionals we recognize how profoundly our emotional and physical health is affected by the complex interplay of psychosocial, psychological and physiological factors. A woman's family history, in utero, and childhood experiences affect the health and well-being of the fetus and the quality of the birthing process.
  • The latest mind/body research is validating how our endocrine, immune, and nervous systems are all intimately connected and influenced by every thought we think and every emotion we feel.
  • Discovering how our body's emotional chemistry responds to negative emotional states, throwing off the delicately balanced hormonal system involved in reproduction, opens new pathways to conception as well as living at a higher level of health and emotional well-being.
  • The significant impact of the "Trail Blazing Boomers" on the emotional, reproductive health and well-being of women must also be taken into consideration. This creates the need for new therapeudic approaches to meet the psychophysiological consequences of their decision to delay childbearing 10 - 15 years for this generation and many generations to come.
"In the process of resolving painful childhood experiences and family conflicts, it is possible to create a healthy new inner life, a new life together as a couple, and a new life in the form of a baby. This awesome revelation has led me to become totally committed to empowering women and men to take charge of their reproductive life, their health, and their well-being."
                Niravi B. Payne
Purpose of the Course:

Participants in this innovative and challenging course will experience a markedly different approach to the complex factors that govern one's fertility as well as a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms. This course broadens the individual model as the foci of attention to exploring the interrelationship of multigenerational emotional processes, attitudes, and belief systems that affect the reproductive process.

This course goes beyond symptom treatment offering powerful skills and techniques to assist practitioners in indentifying and working through multigenerational patterns and beliefs that affect not only one's ability to conceive but one's general health and well-being.

Course Highlights: (Partial Listing)

  • Exploring the Science of Emotions, Memory and Physiological Responses (Principles of PNI)
  • Mind/Body Intercommunication MAP in Reproduction and Other Physiological Processes:
  • Mind/Body Health, Attitudinal & Lifestyle Profile
  • Whole Person Fertility Program:
    •        Pre & Perinatal Psychology Studies:
                   -The impact of early imprinting on later attitudes,
                     behavior, and emotions
    •        Early Childhood Experiences vs. Genetics:
                   -What does one's childhood have to do with fertility and
                    other health-related issues.
    •        Ephistogram:
                   -A hands-on experience of a powerful, in-depth process
                    offering a step-by-step guide for identifying and working
                    through conscious and unconscious emotionally-based
                    issues that can interfere with conception.

  • Who Says I Am Too Old: Breaking Through Age Barriers
  • Ambivalence: Yes/No/Maybe?
  • Ending the Cycle of Blame: Self/Body/Mates
  • Processes to Increase the Effectiveness of One's Natural Ability to Conceive As Well As Medical Fertility Treatments
  • Menstrual, Ovulatory and Low Sperm Problems: The Emotional Connection
  • Miscarriages, Secondary Fertility Difficulties: The Emotional Connection
  • Healing Processes: Abortions and Miscarriages
  • Processes to Carry a Pregnancy to Term/Processes to Assist the Natural Birthing Process
  • *Photoanalysis
  • Impact of Acupuncture and Other Alternative Therapies
  • Assisted Reproductive Technology: An Overview: Glossary of Terms
  • The Impact of Environmental Issues: Currently Under Investigation
  • Review of Current Mind/Body Research
Practice Sessions:

Due to the experiential nature of this Training Course, participants should be prepared to engage in a significant amount of respectful self-application. At the same time, this is not a therapeutic or personal growth program but rather a professional and educational endeavor.

Continuing Education Credit:

Continuing Education credits are pending by the Florida Department of Health, Board of Psychology and the Florida Department of Health, Board of Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling.


To participate please bring photos of you and your family at an early age.

"The Whole Person Fertility Program is a unique book, the first in the field of reproductive health to call for a broader vision... a vision that goes beyond biology and whether or not one has a biological child. Fertility is not a medical condition; it is a lifelong relationship with oneself."
                                                                Joan Boryseno, Ph.D., Author of A Woman's Book of Life
Meet the Faculty

More about Niravi

Niravi brings a high level of energy, wisdom and inspiration as she delivers exciting, provocative and highly informative presentations. As a psychotherapist for over 20 years, she is a leader in the mind/body field of reproductive health. She has been interviewed extensively, and published by major magazines.

Niravi has a Masters of Science degree from Hunter College, with postgraduate training at Columbia and New York Universities. She is certified by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists; and, is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Association for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health, the Biofeedback Society of New York, the Association for Humanistic Psychology, the International Women Writers Guild; and, appeared in the World Who's Who of Women.

Paloma Ibarra, Ph.D.

Dr. Ibarra is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in fertility and other health-related issues from a mind/body perspective. She earned her doctorate at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the area of Women's Health at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. She has conducted research in the mind/body field and has published a number of articles in professional journals.

Dr. Ibarra is currently working with Niravi Payne in the Whole Person Professional Training Institute and the National/International Consultation Service. In addition, she maintains a private practice in Sarasota, Florida, and is a member of the medical Staff at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. As a native of Spain, Dr. Ibarra is proficient in Spanish as well as English, and is experienced with providing psychological services to Latino/Hispanic clients.

Gail Owgang, MA; MSW; CSW

Working with the Whole Person Fertility Program since 1994, Ms. Owgang is a sensitive and experienced specialist in the mind/body field of reproductive therapy. As a licensed clinical social worker, she is in private practice in New York City assisting individuals and couples in transformation growth.

In addition to active membership in professional organizations, Ms. Owgang is a candidate for psychoanalytic certification at the Training Institute for Mental Health in New York City.

For more information and training program brochures:

Call 1-800-666-HEAL

email: [email protected]

For a Registration Form to print Click here

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