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FeedbackThis is a collection of letters that have been sent to me at my web site. They have been edited only to protect identity if desired by the author These are just some of the hundreds of responses that I have had. I try to deal with each although my responses are not in my files as when I changed systems my in box was so big it would not transfer all at once and just lost the file. If any do not get a response from me please keep trying as I keep up as best I can. But please only E mail after you have searched my information. I hate answering questions when answered are there. If you wish to have your comments here just ask in your E mail and state if you want to put your identity on to maybe be contacted by others working in your area. I feel the more we get together and stick together the better our chances
Hi Bruce In 1982; in Denver, Col.; I designed and built an ugly but functional vapor carb. for my 1967 Dodge Coronet. It used exhaust heat to assist in the vaporizing of the gasoline- which was sprayed into the heat exchanger at the bottom of the device- and the vapor rose through a maze of approx. 25 feet folded back and forth on itself at which it exited into a 2 1/2" ID hose (radiator hose) which I ran to an adapter on top of my existing carb which I used to start the 318 cubic inch engine. I achieved 87 miles per gallon. The machine shop that I had help me make the contraption told me that they had helped an earlier inventor with a very NICE carb. to adapt it to his auto- with approximately similar results. (Mine only ran me about $500 total w/ all the junk you have to assemble to get it to work.) They warned me not to make it too public, because the other inventor got the notice of some oil people from Texas who came up and gave him an offer to assume his invention. He refused. His home and workshop burned down 2 days later. He moved to parts unknown. I just thought you might find it interesting to hear from someone who has done this before. My point in the whole thing was; "If I could achieve 80+ mpg with a total of $500 invested- on a '67 Dodge Coronet 318 V8; what could Chrysler do with the millions they have to invest?" Have a good time. It will do no good. The forces that be will not acknowledge that things like this work. And they can afford to make you disappear if need be. The old saying is true: Sometimes being paranoid is the right thing to be. They are out to get you. JR (currently a futures trader in Minnesota; much less risk than playing with gasoline contraptions) Hi Bruce, It's good to hear of your excellent work. I am a member of the Tesla Society and that is how I got your web page. In the early 80's I got a copy of the Secrets of the 200 mph carb and began my tinkering. I built a Pogue design and mounted it on my vw powered dc welder and battery charger (I've used wind power since 1977). The fuel consumption dropped to 1/4 normal. I mounted it on my VW van and failed to realize the gas tank was higher than the device and had fuel running out of it! I then welded a 20 foot steel gas line coiled into 3 inch coils into the vw muffler and ran a gas line from the high pressure fuel pump up to the dash with a needle valve and back to the coil in the muf then out the other end and into the air cleaner. I had a solenoid fuel shut off between the stock fuel pump and stock carb so once the engine warmed up I could switch over and another fuel valve on the high mileage fuel circuit as well a switch for the high press fuel pump. On a test run I got 75 mpg. I ran the fuel with the needle valve and the air flow with the throttle pedal. After several hundred miles the line in the muffler plugged up with carbon. The next project was the Ray Covey device which I found needed to have the vapor tube exiting in the stock carb venturis which I fashioned out of copper tubing and installed in the primaries of a four barrel on a 64 Buick Skylark. In Tucson in the early 80's a guy came through with a Cad with an off the shelf device claiming 100 mpg and put on a workshop with 500 in attendance. He also got local publicity. He was using a Sunstrand gearmotor and pump and a 1000 watt heating element around a stainless tube with wire strands stuffed inside and a high amp alternator to run it. I just thought I'd share some of my experiences. At the time I was doing this tinkering I was attending the University of Az mechanical engineering school and wanted to do my senior project running tests on the dynamometer but could get no takers to work with me. I was shocked that no one was interested. That was the year that the engineering school high mileage car contest winner was shown on the ABC evening news with a glass flask of boiling gasoline as part of the device. I couldn't believe it--a high mileage fuel vaporizer on the national news. Of course there was no verbal mention, just the picture. The public sure has a right to the technology! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help! Barry Miller 1288 W. 11th St. #278 Tracy, CA. [email protected] ps: I'm looking forward to getting a workshop set up and tinkering again. Hi Bruce I had the pleasure of talking to Mrs Pogue some years ago on the telephone, at a Hospice that Mr Pogue was at, during his final days on Earth. All I asked her was " Did the device really work? "Her reply was " Yes, it sure did " I said " Thank You " I wished them all the best, and said good-bye. The other people I contacted, had all passed on. But on of the peoples sons said that at a steady speed of 55 MPH, it once went 94 miles on a Quart of 60 octane fuel during a warm spring day. same V-8 Ford was used for the test. BOB. Have you ever heard about a company named "Terralogix" who claim to have produce a molecular carburetor so efficient that no residues can be found at he tail pipe of a car? That company was in Eastman, Quebec, Canada; I've heard about it in the news, then it just disappeared from public scene... Conspiration of the fuel industry leaders? I have a copy of the DeRegeris Carburetor US#3920778, Nov 18, 1975. It was passed to me by a man who said they would soon go into production but (hate to sound like a conspiracy nut) mysteriously disappeared. If you are interested in a scanned copy and other documents relating to this super carb E-me and I will send them to you. I've been packing them around for years and knowing that someone someday might have interest in them. - Dear Mr. Bruce McBurney, My name is ------------------ and I work at --------------------- International Airport. Today on the way home from work I was sitting in the back of our van (I'm an electricians assistant) when someone started to say something about how in the 60's a few hundred Ford Mustangs were accidentally installed with a very efficent carburetor. I found this so amazing that as soon as I got home I began to do all the research that I possibly could. It turned out to be more of an investigation.... by chance I found your name as well as your E-mail Address I wanted to write you and let you know that you have my support. If you have the time please write me back explaining this Ford Mustang "accident". I'd also love to hear as much information as you can share with me about your carb. My last question is a little more direct...What can I do to help/learn/contribute....? lse Charge Technology and any internal combustion engine} completed its final testing. Joseph LaStella, President of B.A.T. International, rented the Penske California Speedway (February 7, 1998) to complete final testing of the car under actual test track conditions. During raining conditions, the car easily exceeded its earlier performance of 92.5 miles per gallon set on January 15, 1998. (See PR January 16, 1998) Joseph LaStella also stated that the public response to the January 15, 1998 de monstration has been overwhelmingly positive, except for a few skeptical remarks from Detroit and Wall Street. B.A.T. International would like to publicly extend a personal invitation to attend the demonstration held on February 10, 1998--to those few skeptics that are left. All three automobile manufacturers have contacted B.A.T. International about Dolphin technology and B.A.T. has extended invitations to them to witness the test on February 10th (No confirmations as of yet) In addition, pers onal invitations have been sent to other major automobile manufacturers, auto industry OEM suppliers and government officials to participate in the certification process. Representatives of Boeing and American YAZAKI Corporation {major component suppl ier to Detroit} will attend as certifies in addition to the original team of five nationally known certificants headed by Rodger Ward two-time winner of the Indy 500 race. B.A.T. International officials report that the new technology increases power a s well as fuel efficiency. The technology does not require retooling for use with current engines and will result in little or no increase in engine cost. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT http://www.baat.com ***** Where: Ca lifornia Speedway 9300 Cherry Avenue (off I-10 Freeway) Fontana, California When: Tuesday, February 10, 1998. The testing will begin at 8 a.m. and continue to approximately 4 p.m. Who: Officials from B.A.T. International and the Automotive Transportation Industries will be present throughout the testing.. Contact: For more information or advance arrangements, Joseph LaStella or Bill Wason at: (818) 565-5555 ED. NOTE: The test will take p lace even if there is rain ------- { I called this number a few time left messages never got a response, have heard nothing more on it. Bruce} Dear Mr. J. Bruce McBurney, Just a P.S. Did you happen to hear about "Smokey" Henry Yunick's adiabatic engine? He holds several patents related to the article I saw in the April 1983 issue of Popular Science. He managed to get 150 Hp and 60 MPG out of a 78 ci. 2 cyl motor. The article even goes on to say that one of the "detroit boys" were donating a car (chassis) to him for testing. Of course you've never heard about this since. Check out patent #4,862,859 and his related patents. ------------- { I did get a copy of that article quite interesting. Bruce } Dear Bruce I am pleased to see your site. In the 1980s I was one of the many that purchased one of Ray Covey's manuals and I even attempted to build a unit of my own to Ray's design but automated. I have downloaded most of your pages and at present have only briefly read them, one point that I am not sure whether you brought out was the fact that Mr Otto designed the internal combustion engine to run on a vapor, not a liquid, this is the main reason why we are able to get a huge increase in mileage when we turn our heads away from the oil company thinking and towards the likes of your invention. Basically, what I am trying to get at is volume to surface area ratios. The petrol liquid has a much larger volume to surface area ratio than does the vapor, therefore it takes longer to burn the liquid than it does the vapor. Today's modern engines are getting less and less efficient as the manufacturers decrease the stroke of their engines to increase revs as it is often been pointed out to me that the longer stroke diesel engines are far more efficient than their petrol counterparts. I hope I haven't babbled too much and I hope that this may be of some interest to you. All the best from New Zealand and if I can be of any assistance in disseminating information, please feel free to contact me. Hi guys and girls, {not carbs but Helpful information., I keep getting return mail I did not send with attachments, I just delete it, Bruce } Just a clarification about viruses in E mails. Firstly, a virus cannot infect your system or hard disk unless the program it is hosted in is run. If a virus is downloaded to your computer in an E mail, the only way this can happen is if it is hidden inside a program which is attached to the E mail. By opening the E mail to read it, there is absolutely no way that such a virus can infect your computer or hard disk. The only way to infect your system is by actually running the program itself. A virus is a piece of programming code (binary) which executes its own little instructions, but it can only be activated from within another active program. If you think you have a virus sent to you by E mail, simply delete the E mail without downloading or saving the attachment. If an E mail has no attachment...it has no virus! Just thought you might like to know! Tim { me too, Bruce} Mr. McBurney, Greetings, Mr McBurney! I located your web site via a search for "Larry Wagner" who was a person that I was aquatinted with in the late 1970's in Tacoma, WA state. A few years ago, there was an article in the Tacoma New Tribune (SoundLife section) detailing his work producing a motion picture on a bare-bones budget. The topic of the picture was about a homeless man, and Larry himself was at the time substantially homeless. There was no mention in the article about his work with jet engine improvements (made when he was in the Air Force or carburetion experiments. When I knew him, he was mostly interested in counter rotational systems that would propel crafts into space. But he was selling his book at "Flea Markets" and such. Also, during a period in the early 1980's he again became successful with a series of shops (3 I believe) bearing the title "Carburetion Technology" in the Puget Sound area. In talking with him, he told me he had gone from destitute to millionaire at least twice in the 70's alone. I cannot confirm or deny any of this though. I CAN say he seemed to be an extremely sincere individual and quite intelligent. Please reply to me at idt.net if you would like to discuss Mr Wagner or other topics further. Thanks for reading, Please, sir, do not stop selling this book or take down your web site for it is the greatest source of information I have ran across in my journeys through the net. I intend to recommend this page and book to everyone I know. Thank you again for your time and brilliance. Sincerely, BB Hi! I have visited your site many times and am convinced that higher than normal mileage is indeed possible. Several years ago, a co-worker who used to manage a gas station told me about a customer who was concerned when his full-size car started getting "only" 17 MPG. I forget the exact figure that the car had usually gotten, but it was somewhere around 30 MPG. My friend couldn't fix the carb to get the previous mileage, so the car was taken to the dealer, who promptly replaced the carb and took the old one. They said the carb was experimental and was not intended for release. Since hearing this story, I have not been able to ignore any account of higher than normal mileage. Your site has done much to explain why high mileage carbs work. And possibly more important, why they fail after a period of working. I definitely understand the problems posed by additives in the cracking process, in fact, I am a chemist by trade. I also agree that this needs to be developed in the public domain in order to safeguard it for the public and from those who would try to keep it in obscurity. It was with great interest that I read your account of the gas mileage you achieved with a dodge maxi-van. I myself have a 1981 dodge van with a 360 cid motor. When I bought it, it was my dream to somehow get 30 MPG with it. After seeing the information on your site, I am sure that it is quite possible. I would like to get any information you can give me on how to achieve that. I would be glad to send a donation to HIMAC Research in exchange for any information or plans that could help me. I would also be glad to do what I can to answer any chemical questions. Thanks T.N. Bruce; I was very happy and not suprised to see so many other inventors who have had reached the same conclusion: The internal combustion engine is capable of 2-5 times better fuel economy with little changes. I too have stumbled on to fantastic, supposedly unachievable fuel economy. I have a 1987 Ford F150 Four wheel drive pickup truck with a 302Cu In V-8, Fuel Injected (Sequential port) and the Ford EEC-IV engine Management system. For the past 3 years, I have averaged 42 to 85 MPG while running on the front fuel tank (the truck has two tanks). The reason for the increased mileage is that the in tank fuel pump is defective, it runs HOT HOT HOT. So, guess what is supposed to cool the pump? The gasoline! When you run the truck with 1-5 gallons in the front tank, the fuel is heating up to 100 to 140 degrees F prior to reaching the fuel injectors. Since this heated liquid is pressurized in the fuel delivery system, it can't vaporize. But, once it reaches the cylinders, it vaporizes at a fantastic rate. Since fuel injection systems use a closed loop design, unused fuel is returned to the fuel tanks. The computer determines the fuel injector pulse width duration based on exhaust pipe sensors (O2) to determine the appropriate fuel/air mixture. So the system determines it needs much less gasoline for a given air mixture at each cylinder. When the gasoline super evaporates, the O2 sensor senses an overly "rich" mixture, then starts retarding the fuel injector pulse width to lean out the mixture. This mileage gain is not dependent on gasoline supply, I have used Texaco, Amoco, Super America, Phillips 66, Holiday Gas, with no variation. Also, there is no mileage degradation over time as you have reported with the TCC systems. This phenomenon is repeatable and occurs with NO modifications to the truck, engine, computer, or fuel system. The Fuel tank has the original cap which starts venting at 1.4psi. When I use the rear fuel tank, I get the normal 13 MPG. There have been no derivability problems, the truck runs the same on either tank. I have applied for a grant from the Department of Energy (NIST) to further develop an add-on system for all sequential fuel injected vehicles that could be cut-in during automobile manufacturing as well. My grant application has made it through 3 of the 5 rounds of evaluation. I also am filing a provisional patent application (good for 1 year), the invention is called the "Fuel Vaporizer & Economizer" Ford Motor Company has shown interest, they requested me to sign a release document and send them all my data. I refused of course. The EPA has a test program, but it cost $6,000 to test one vehicle. They require two vehicles for testing that represent the majority of vehicles on the road today and in the foreseeable future. I have not spoken about this device in public, only family and a few close friends are aware of it. I am working to add fuel tank heaters (360Watt) and controllers to a GM vehicle to see if we can duplicate the mileage gains. I am looking for your recommendations, suggestions, and any detailed explanation on why my system works so well. Thank you for your help. Mark Sampica [email protected] 17275 81st Ave. North Maple Grove MN 55311 Although automakers have deliberately made automobiles more complex, and oil companies incorporated additives to their gasoline mixtures Dear Mr. McBurney, I heard you on the (G1) satellite radio show last week, and took a bit of time to read your info on the Internet. I haven't read it all, but must admit I never gave the subject much serious thought before-- largely due to far too many fanatics and morons trying to explain (or more often not explaining anything) about the subject. I hadn't ever heard of the concept of cracking the petrol. That's a lot different than merely fastening on magnets, or vaporizing the fuel! One of your items in efficiency caught my eye as being wrong. When you said "1 B.T.U. of heat is produced by 1 .K.W. in 1 second", it sounds like you are saying it is equivalent, by definition. Actually, it turns out very close anyhow, but what bothered me initially was the way it was stated. My table shows: a BTU = 1.055 kWatt-sec (times 3600 sec/hr.) leads to 3800 kwh/BTU (instead of the 3600 you showed) As near as I can tell, your objective was to compare typical fuel use to the ideal. If so, then the comparison to electric cars, I suppose, was merely a way to follow what you understand, to arrive at some sort of standard for 100% efficiency. My question would be, why not go directly to the point and skip the electricity? I don't have the thermal content of gas, don't know about the 12 hp. for a 60 mph cruise, but: I show 6.06 lb/gal for auto gasoline (a bit lighter than water's 8.3) & 2546 BTU/hp.hr (horsepower-hour) if we use 20,000 BTU/lb & 12 hp for 60mph cruise (not enough to _drive_ a car however) 12/60 = 5 mile/hp.hr (--view in monospaced font--) then: 60 mi hp.hr 20,000 BTU 6.06 lb -------- * -------- * ---------- * ------- = 238 mi/gal gas 12 hp.hr 2546 BTU lb. gal. So, at 24 mpg, you'd be operating at a mere 10% efficiency) or combined: 2856/# hp to cruise 60 mph = ideal mpg Adjusting for the larger hp you allowed for round numbers & 20 mpg, things check out pretty close: 2856/13.4 hp = 213 mpg (into 20mpg = 9.4% efficiency) So, I worked through it, and find that what looked bad turned out not so far off (considering round numbers) but at least here's another way of looking at it! :-) B A. Montana { I Like it when someone does it a different way and come with the basically the same answer, Bruce} ***from HIMAC web site: > >20 M.P.G. can maintain 60 M.P.H. on about 12 H.P. To produce this >electrically, it would take about >10 Kilo Watt of power, figuring 746 Watts per H.P. >10,000 W = 13.4 H.P. >1 B.T.U. of heat is produced by 1 .K.W. in 1 second >1 K.W. X 60 seconds X 60 minutes = 3,600 B.T.U. >10 K.W.H. of electricity = 36,000 B.T.U. of heat >10 K.W.H. = 12 H.P. X 1 hour @ 60 M.P.H. = 60 miles travel >There is approximately 20,000 B.T.U. per pound of gasoline >and about 8 lb. per gallon. >20 M.P.G. at 60 M.P.H. = 3 gallons for 60 miles >20,000 B.T.U. X 8 Lb. per gal. X 3 gallons = 480,000 B.T.U.s >480,000 by gasoline 36,000 by electricity >This works out at factor 13.3 to 1 or 7.5 % efficiency >A car at 100% efficiency should get 13.3 times farther, >266 miles per gallon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + "We, the People are the rightful masters of both Congress + and the courts -- not to overthrow the Constitution, + but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution." + + -Abraham Lincoln +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Mr. McBurney, I've only been on the net for a couple of weeks, and finding your site has totally overwhelmed me. Please print out the attached letter. I would first like to thank you for opening my eyes Your HIMAC website has not only greatly disturbed and enraged me, but I now have great difficulty getting to sleep at night. Your HIMAC website has not only greatly disturbed and enraged me, but I now have great difficulty getting to sleep at night. Although what you've stated in your testimony makes perfectly logical sense, I had to be sure. After following your links, and doing some research on TCC and various vapor carburetor patents, I failed to understand why this "simple" technology wasn't exploited further. I then visited a couple of mileage maker websites (one of which was published by the EPA) only to realize that their reviews of fuel vapor systems. or carburetor patents, I realized that political and corporate intervention is a greater threat to mankind, than the emissions that we breathe. You have moved me so much, that I would like nothing better than to join your fight. Here's a basic run-down of who I am. My name is C D M { Deleted.} I am 24 years old and I have been working on cars since about the age of 11. I graduated as high school valedictorian in 1991 from Glenella Collegiate, Glenella Manitoba. (a small farming community.) I was a transmission mechanic for approximately 3 years until a serious back injury forced me to quit. During my recovery from back surgery, I proceeded to start my own business publishing a small-town "hot-rod" style of magazine called "Canadian", only to realize that the market in rural rodders is extremely limited. Nothing' ventured nothing' gained right? I have attained my certificate in Heavy-Duty Electronics (a ten month course dealing with the application and function of automotive and heavy-duty electronic fuel injection systems) from Assiniboine Community College in Brandon MB class of '93. I also have certificates in small engine repair, photography and desktop publishing. Since hanging up my camera, I've spent my time driving a 3-ton truck doing custom feedlot cleaning, and spending this past winter working as a mobile mechanic for a couple of farmers I know. I have already begun spreading the word about this suppressed fuel economy technology to a great many of my friends (who are also very mechanically inclined) and we all agree that this idea makes perfect sense. Along with copies of issues #1 and 2 of My magazine, I will be sending HIMAC a personal donation of $50.00. Although at present I don't have the capital to make a stock market investment, I am voraciously interested in becoming a volunteer I know in my heart that if enough people can see these devices work and get their hands on this environment saving technology, governments and big corporations will no longer be able to suppress it. I also realize the implications and dangers of joining a battle such as this, but I believe that the financial and personal risks are far outweighed by the benefits to this planet and the human race. Thank you for taking the time to read this mailing C.D.M. Greetings! My organization began to develop a system analogous to HIMAC about three weeks ago. Results have been very promising: about 25 MPG city from a 460 V8 in a 1975 Lincoln Continental. Here is a URL with details: http://www.cjnetworks.com/~rivercity/afg/car Bruce, It has appeared to me that you have come up with an answer to a problem which has troubled me for nearly ten years. In 1980 I also started on a journey in search of the truth to the true potential of gas mileage. I had obtained a copy of Allan Wallaces first book in 1980 "Design&Theory of the 200 MPG Carburetor" and since have got all other publications issued by Allan Wallace. I have also obtained Ray Covey's book and Naylor&Son's book. I have also pulled up a multitude of patents from the microfilm of the Minneapolis library. My Grandfather and I started experimenting on systems in the spring of 1980 with great success with small engine application as our knowledge built and progressed we advanced our designs of a Pogue carburetor onto a 1972 ford pickup and an old model pontiac. The 1972 ford carburetion system's mileage varyed depending upon factors that at the time seemed ellusive to us but all the same my best attempt pushed upward of 70 MPG. My Grandfather was a WWII machinist and owned and ran a Mobil gas station in St.Paul,Mn. Our curiosity furthered out venture into the use of alter and hydrogen as fuels from our studies of water and hydrogen carburetor patents. The use of pure hydrogen seemed to lead us astray of our goal yet we had fun in our ventures. Just a short one and a half years into our experimenting my Grandfather died while under his car welding together exhaust heating components. I ventured forward till the summer of 1986 with determined curiosity and it was a bitter sweet relationship. A success that almost always slowly eroded into shallow failure, yet I tried to press on. Lack of knowledge was my barrier, the power of information and my idea's as to not reinvent the wheel only improve upon it. Since 1986 I have led a slow pursuit in the accumulation of this truth, and an ever watchful eye as to other successes. Belief is not the point, application is. As industry slowly counteracts all possible avenues another appears through the application of technology. I can understand your trials and errors and ask for your help so that I may be allowed to share all of the knowledge that you have worked so damm hard to accumulate. I hope that we may either start correspondence through e-mail or if I may come up to meet and see all of which you have labored to obtain. I have been hesitate as to approaching you in this manner, yet I must. The quality of ones life is determined by the quality of the questions one asks. I have many. My brother and I would like to adapt and or combine knowledge so that we could continue our endless pursuit of our dreams and with that I ask for your help. In the last five years my general studies and work have been put in front of my passions and dreams just out of economic survival yet the dream still burns inside. We then ask your help in providing us with information so that we may further our pursuit of this truth. Thank you for all that you have provided so far. We will look forward to meeting and or hearing from you in the near future. S.P.D. (This is the reply from the only person to ask for a refund on my book, Bruce) Dear Bruce I know all the stories about Pogue, Tom Ogle, Wiseman, Heiderich, Fuelmizer, and on and on. To another person just stumbling onto this subject, your book is a treasure trove of information, but in my case, it is just a repeat of years of information that I have already gathered myself. Therefore, it would be kind of foolish for me to buy this information yet again. I'm sorry, Bruce, but I have to return it. If you could offer me something such as plans or a kit to build your device, great, let's talk. Otherwise, like I've said above, I'm just paying for info I've already got. In closing, I wish you luck in your efforts to get this info out to the public. If I had the resources, I'd very likely sponsor research or production of one of these devices because of my extreme interest in the subject. But, realistically, I don't believe we will ever see anything of substance ever happen in our lifetime. Only when fossil fuels are almost depleted and the price at the pumps is astronomical will the public ever get off its ass and demand that something be done. Until then, the best that guys like you and I can do is build these things, install them on our vehicles, prove to others that they work, and hopefully convince others to do the same. Believe me, I've done my level best to at least make people aware that the potential for higher gas mileage exists. I've even had some good arguments with people who consider themselves "mechanics", who say that higher mileage is impossible. I then ask them a few simple questions and they end up answering themselves into a corner. I also tell them that it is vapor, not wet gas, that provides the actual fuel for the cylinders, and then point out to them that the carburetors and fuel injections systems do not supply pure vapor, but rather, tiny droplets, of gasoline to the engine. Anyhow, I don't need to tell you all this, you already know it. I apologize for any inconvenience. Once again, if you sell plans for building your device, get back to me. Take care. O. Dear Bruce, Isn't the internet wonderful! I came across your web page by following rabbit trails one evening. I'll have to say, I knew there was a better way! My fascination with the vapor carbs began when I was in highschool. I had a friend whos dad knew Mr. Pogue. Being mechanically inclined that I was, I got a hold of his patient. Then when going to collage, our library had a very good technical section. I researched and found out that gas has lots of different chemicals(additives) with lots of different boiling points. I also determined that there was going to be lots of residue from vaporizing gas. So I set out to design a carb that you would have to clean ever so often. Kind of like my dads water distiller(minerals would have to be cleaned off the elements after so many gallons of water). Well I did design on paper but never in a system You use the word cracking to describe the process of breaking down the molecules. Its sound like you have the right idea. Your web page seems like it is a little old, what is your present statits in your research? Besides money, what are some of the areas that are holding you back. You know, its not always what you know but who you know that can get results. Hope I can help DE { This is a copy from a guy who said he was working with a group of 39 air craft mechanics He got set up to put it on a Jeep but then I have not heard form him in a long time I do not know what happened, I sent him my book and Wagners and Obrein and some other photo copy Tom Ogle info Bruce } Historic E mail. Graham Ennis to Bruce McBurney dated this day of our lord august 5th 1996. Bruce, its here!!!. The package arrived this morning, right after our British postal strike. thank you a thousand times. together we will win. I spent the day using every spare minute in a very crowded schedule to skim through the material, and I'm impressed. also I now realize the level of work I am getting into, but I'm determined to do it. I am gathering up all my research papers and going off to a friends farm in the country for four days of seclusion tomorrow, to read, think, and plan. I am not only a professional scientist and engineer, but also a political activist of many years standing for good causes. I am not going to fall into the trap Ogle and the others fell into, and which all but destroyed you. The main thing is to have a strategy and to use my wits to outsmart the vultures who will descend on this project. showmanship, hard factual demonstrations, etc. etc. plus some other ideas now possible. The implications are profound. the seven sisters, (ably assisted by the sixteen dwarves) have held the human race to ransom and very nearly fatally poisoned our planet. they did this not only for profit and greed, but because the elite are possessed by a evangelistic urge to destroy and exploit. "good technologies" undermine their power fatally. In the same way that a tyranny can only survive in a hermetically closed society, and contact with the external world is fatal, (the internet and fax machine will destroy the dictators, because nothing is more powerful and dangerous than men in possession of both free ideas and ideas of freedom.) Likewise the great technology and energy monopolies are similarly undermined by any technology which disperses power, increases personal choice, and reduces their flow of loot. Our project is such a liberating technology. their economies. if we succeed, and we prove to a mass public that you are right, vested interests will fight a desperate rear-guard action to suppress it. the poor of the third world however need this lifeline. sheer desperation will unblock our path in those countries. Profound political and economic effects will flow from this work. from: graham ennis Graham to bruce. thanks for the email bruce!!. yes, I did have to sit down!!!. anyway, its very good news. someone else is pushing forward!!!. with each person who experiments and publicizes, the possibility of criminal suppression falls ever deeper into the abyss. I take your point about the need for political support. I am deep in meetings over here with a friendly labor party m.p. who is trying to support me.however, nothing is going to get done here in England until people see irrefutable proof of what is possible. so I need to complete my original experiments and demonstrations asap. Also, my training as a scientist and engineer and my careful, methodical approach, with everything verifiable, publication in the professional journals etc., needs to be done sometime, by someone. So let our friend get on with the launch of his product, (although I will be in touch in due course) and godspeed to his efforts. but my role is going to be the academic scientist who vindicates your original work and vision, and tries to get things done in England I have still not completely digested the papers you sent me, but already I am coming up with some good ideas. with luck, and lots of hard work, I am going to catch up with you guys by christmass!!!!.regards and good luck, Graham Hello Bruce, My name is Ken. I performed a search on Bourke Engine and came across your site. Very interesting. The company I work for, Galileo Research, Inc. has an original Bourke Engine. We've had it running and do see benefits over current technology. We've also found others across the world who are just now discovering the attributes of the Bourke configuration through testing of prototypes that they have built. We also have 5 original Bourke Engine Documentary's that are for sale. These are not reprints such as you have, but original books signed by Russell and Lois Bourke. Also Galileo Research, Inc. has been working on a new technology whereby we've combined the internal combustion engine and electric generator into one compact lightweight unit that is multifuel capable with excellect efficiency and durability. However, we've also been run over by Detroit and squashed, but we're still making a go of it and having some good success. Check out our web pages http://www.galileoresearch.com I'd be interested in hearing back from you. Ken {there are many people agreeing with mainly the same ideas - Bruce }