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Hydro-Boost Manual


Working in the field of high mileage, it has been wonderful to meet people who care about the environment more than they care about big profits and royalties.

There are many systems that increase mileage but are so expensive it makes for a long payback time when comparing cost of fuel saved against cost of the unit used to save the fuel. I believe the 'red tape system' of the legal runaround and, combined with cost of testing and initial manufacturing set up cost, cause the inventor to have to elevate his product's price just to break even. This seems to be a way the invention is suppressed. I know I have never been able to break even for the time, money and energy spent on publishing material on this subject, but I do it for the hope of us all because I see the importance of this information being spread enough that the truth comes out.

If you normally spend $40.00 a week for fuel but then buy a $1000.00 unit that will save you 20%, it will take 4 years to pay back your purchase price . To build and perfect the system described in my book "The Secret High Mileage Report" could initially cost $50,000.00 (like the first piece of Tupperware probably cost its developers), but after this units could be sold for a much cheaper price. The solution, therefore, to overcome the initial set up costs is mass production of the finished product. The more that are made, the lower price each unit can have. With mass production costs and all it could sell for $300.00-$500.00 But setting up for mass production is millions of dollars too.

This initial cash outlay/mass production problem is one that the fuel saving devices in this book seems to deal with quite nicely. These units are inexpensive to build, maintain, and is simple in design with no fancy controls.

The inventor has no patent and is quite happy to see the idea out, widespread, and is content to maybe make a few dollars in the sale of the Manuel. With no patent, this means some who are more skilled could build more Hydro-boost units for others.

There are different ways of using this system and you may choose what ever you find works best for your car. We recommend that you start with the basic system and the add to as you desire in your understanding of this idea.

Also, in order that as many can learn and benefit from this invention (and the pollution levels go down), At HIMAC publishing have a simple marketing plan that any and all can share in. I do mean share. After anyone initially purchases this book and finds they would like to resell, or just help share with other people who might care. Additional copies can be purchase at 50% discount for resale in lots of at least 5. We have priced the Manual at much less than other instruction information on this subject and will be putting some profits to the furtherance of suppressed mileage technology.

In my research into the Hydro-boost, I took the information from the inventor as stated in the 'simple system' (see later in this publication) and installed it on a 1985 Buick 3.8 V6. The car had been getting 20 mpg fairly consistent but with the Hydro-boost installed, I ran 276 Km and got 30 mpg (figuring from my next fill up the exact same station, pump, and with same click-offs).

I then put it on my GM minivan which has a 350 ci. engine from an old full size van that rusted away. I left the 3 speed auto with the engine and so the minivan is geared low at high speeds (revs 3000 rpm at 65 mph). I was getting 14.7 MPG but went to 19.5 with the Hydro-boost (about 20% gain). I know this is not the best, but the van has a 4 barrel carburetor that probably needs to have the floats lowered with this system. And at 20% saving, this means 250.00 a year (at 40.00 a week in fuel). This $250.00 also figures in that the Hydro-boost and extras parts still costs around $50.00 to build.

I know I could research this for a while but I feel it is best to get this information out for all to research and develop. Then maybe after I know it is well distributed, I will take it to our government and do the final testing. After all I have been through with my information on 100 mpg systems and my previous book, I have little faith in our governments. By spreading this system around now, we can all do our own field research. Because of the simplicity of the designs found in this Manuel many can do things now to side step the B.S. Bureaucratic Shuffle of our programs that eliminate good technology in favor of corporate greed.

If you do not think that corporations can “shelve “ a good idea then be sure to read some of the other books available Through HIMAC Publishing seen later in this manuel.

We have included some other ideas that can complement the Hydro-boost or just help you save money and our environment. We hope you can use them, but take time to do things safely and if you are not sure check with someone who does know.

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