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Gasoline crisis answer


We believe there are answers to the ongoing "gasoline crisis". We believe these answers are found in the inventive resourcefulness of the Americium people. We believe that investigative research will confirm the fact that gas saving technology has already been developed. Necessity , creativity and the desire to build something "thought to be impossible" has brought to our life style many wonderful inventions.

This is a book of fact. In the following pages the reader will find over 300 references. Some are from government papers and textbooks, some from patent records, some from personal interviews and scientific foundations. This represents only a small sample of the evidence. Directions are given so you can conduct your own research.

The record is clear. There is proof positive that gas savings technology already exists. We show solid evidence that gas saving equipment (carburetors that get over 80 miles per gallon of gasoline) has been developed; evidence that fuels, other than diesel or gasoline, have already been developed, tested and proven to be economical and pollution-free. We show evidence that engines have already been invented which can burn theses other fuels. Then we show evidence that gas cars have been invented. These vechiles don't even require gasoline as a fuel !

We show that in the U.S.A. alone , there are vast deposits of resources which can be used to make gasoline and oil. These know deposits will last over 300 years at current rates of consumption... and at a reasonable price. In fact one resource, hydrogen, comes from water !

Yes , there are answers to the energy crisis.

NOTE: In recent months, the President of the United States of America has stated his desires to conserve energy. Many elected officials at both that state and federal level of government have also declared the same desire.

These elected officials have "declared war" on the energy crisis. Their chief weapons designed to bring about conservation INCREASED the price of oil. The stated objective has been: "If we raised the price of fuel enough, then the American citizen will cut back his use of this fell, also he won't waste it..."

We do not concur with this type of legislation which results in more taxation, inflation and more regulation.

1. Taxation: Higher gas and oil taxes simply add to our already too heavy tax burden.
2. Inflation: When oil prices are raised, every other consumer product is adversely affected.
3. Regulation: Some regulations hinder free enterprise and competition and protect harmful monopolies

No, we do not agree that taxation and regulation are the appropriate weapons with which to attack the so- called "energy crisis".

We believe our officials need to say:

Let us reward good old American ingenuity, Let us encourage American free enterprise. Let us tap our greatest "natural resource".. the resource that has contributed so much to this country's growth already... the resource of creative ingenuity.

However , can our official be influence to act on behalf of enterprise and inventive technology? These officials do respond to influence.

The oil companies have a powerful lobby... they influence elected officials.

The auto industry group have their own lobbies, and influences elected officials.

We believe there is a definite need for a car drivers association. The car driving public needs a lobby voice, an organized voice, one with "clout". Such as a car drivers association has been formed . It is the NATIONAL CAR DRIVERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (NCDA).

In the face of rapidly escalating oil prices, less freedom of travel and a higher tax burden. we wish to raise a responsible and well-formed voice of opposition: also demonstrate there is a "better way". This is our plan of action.

For information about NCDA and its membership, write: RESEARCH, P.O. Box 1111, Tacoma, Washington 98401.


This is not designed to be a book of make-believe. It is not our desire to exploit the imagination. We do not present within these pages some newly discovered, previously unknown mystery.

It is not our intent to encourage fly-by-night inventions or unproven concepts.

For example, we have checked-out many reports about the ""miracle carburetor" that would get some 100 to 200 miles per gallon gasoline mileage on a standard automobile. However, when all the facts were uncovered, the claims were proven to be unfounded or exaggerated.

NOTE: This does not mean, however, that all such reports are false, As a matter of fact our research did find some accounts well-documented and test proven. Yes, research has found that many energy saving devices have AL READY BEEN INVENTED.


This book is the result of serious research. The information contained within theses pages is not hidden; it can be obtained by the general public through diligent study. This information is not, however, found any one place. The public library is a rich source of information.....containing old trade journals, books and patent abstracts. Some information can only be obtained from personal interviews. Other information may be obtained by writing to scientific foundations and research organizations.


To bring all of theses various sources of docu- mentation together into the pages of one book;

To make this one book available to the general population; and To share with the informed public a plan of ACTION whereby true energy conservation can NOW be accomplished by means other than higher gasoline and oil prices or rationing of fuel.


The serious researcher cannot depend on far-fetched stories about some energy saving device where there is no evidence or documentation of test results.

There are many claims of fantastic inventions that in the end do not withstand the test of the investigation research.


This book does not consist of stories that have been passed on from individual to individual. Rather it is the result of evidence gathering, evaluation and docu- mentation.


Some energy saving inventions are not available for laboratory testing today. How do we judge the reliability of equipment that is not now available?

The researcher must take a "reasonable-man" approach. He must gather all the evidence, all the claims, all the past tests and reports that can be located; then he must evaluate these tests and findings and finally he must make a judgment as to the invention's worth.

A few selected inventions if this type are described in this book.

Other inventions are known to exists today, and first hand, people-proven evidence is available, Theses here and now inventions that really do conserve gasoline and oil are the chief characters of the investigative process as it unfolds in the following pages.

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