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Gasoline crisis answer

Part 5

On the Second Shelf

Late one evening when this book was in rough-draft from, Mrs.Jackson and I were talking about its contents. At the time I made this remark:

"if we cannot show solid , factual, proven evidence that gas saving equipment and engines have already been invented, then we might as well quit right now."

It would not be right to say " we have proof positive" if in fact we do not have that proof. We must have solid evidence of our claims. When the reader begins to check out our references----he must find them accurate and factual.

Then I said: "Let us look at what we have. Let us examine the claims once again." * "We know the turbine car is a reality. We have personally seen the car. We know that it was accepted by the public. We know that the turbine is used in aviation and industrial power plants. We know it can operate on fuels other than gasoline."

Another claim in our favor.

* "We know the electric car is a reality. We have seen several, We have talked to electric car dealers. We know they require no gaso- line. we know from personal testimony that if thousands were mass-produced, they would be very economical to buy-- we know this is a gas saving invention.

Another claim in our favor.

* "We know the hydrogen car is reality. We have the 1976, Billings Energy Corporation report. We have a tap recorded interview. we have photos of the hydrogen car and hydrogen bus. Thousands of Utah citizens have traveled on the bus. Again, it does not use gasoline as fuel."

Another claim in our favor.

We continued, claim after claim, with proof positive that gas saving equipment, engines and cars have indeed already been invented.


Would we now take these findings and facts and file them away on our library shelf and not make these facts available to the public ?

No....we must print and publish a book.


What is a book -- packed full with information and documentation--- but without a plan of action ? With out a plan of action, it would be just another book of facts.

However, this is more than a book of findings and facts. It is also a plan of action.

* It calls for people lobby.
* It calls for a "volunteer army".
* An army of informed citizens.
* Men and women, young and old can join this lobby
* 50 million people must make up this lobby.


Our purpose is to reach over 50 million people with these facts and then motivate over 50 million people to write their elected and appointed officials.

Remember, there are over 100 million cars and drivers in the U.S. This lobby-voice involves these citizens. To be a part of this lobby, there are no membership cards to sign and no monthly dues to be paid. When you share this book with others, and write to your elected representative...... you then are an active part of this lobby-voice.


Each citizen must do his part.

* We have started the ball rolling.
* You must help us keep the ball rolling.
* together we can reach our goal.


Here is how it can be done in a short amount of time.

* It does not require mass advertising
* It does not require thousands of dollars.
* It does not require too much effort from any one person.
* It does require a small amount of effort from many people.


You will be surprised how fast 50 million people can be reached on a personal level.


You obtain two (2) more PROOF POSITIVE books, then give or sell them to two (2) friends who are also concerned about the rising costs of fuel.

This is the equivalent of what it would cost to buy a few gallons of gasoline at today's prices. The gasoline would soon be used-up and have no beneficial affect on the "energy crisis".

We believe that a host of average citizens all across this land will not place this book and its plans of action on their library shelf. They will not put a worthy energy saving idea " on the shelf".


Our first printing of Proof Positive was successful. Here is what some readers had to say:

Dear Mr. Jackson
"I am enclosing a check for 12 additional PROOF POSITIVE books I am going to distribute to my friends and also a couple of Senators and Representatives".
W.F.C Norco, California

"Please send me 4 of your very important book on Proof Positive. And keep up the good work."
J.R.M. New York

Dear Mr. Jackson
"Pleas send me two more books to K.E.K., Rockport, Texas. I am retired , and belong to Good Sam trailer club...I want to show this book to others."

Dear Sirs; "I received 1 copy of "Proof Positive". Sound like a good idea and I am following thru. Find enclosed a check for two more books. Sincerely,"
G.C. Detroit, Michigan

"Please rush 2 copies of "PROOF POSITIVE" to me. Thank You."
Mrs. M.R. Scottsbluff, Nebraska

Dear Sir.
"You recently sent me your book Proof Positive on gas saving equipment, etc..,which I am devouring post haste. A garbage mechanic friend and I are definitely of the opinion that better gas mileage can be had ."
D.S. Starup, Washington

This plan of action is working...and it is because good people across our land are making the plan of action successful. They know that if there is to be a change it will be a people sponsored change.


We have on file the name and addresses of everyone who ordered the Proof Positive book by mail. Also, we are gaining information on several gas saving inventions currently under development. When these are ready for public demonstration or for sale, we will send the details to you.

For the readers who purchased this book in a book store you can send your name and address to :

P.O. Box 1111,
Taxoma , Washington

Ask us to hold your name for future mailings.


We have an idea that once the "message is out", once others see they can make their voice heard; then some amazing things will take place.

We have a hunch that individuals who have proven, tested inventions, will feel encouraged to market them.

Also we have a hunch that those engineers and machinist(perhaps retired now) who have worked on some of the "big company" experimental projects, will feel encouraged to let their knowledgeable voice be heard.

All in all, the wheels of free enterprise courage to roll more smoothly.


How many of us have said to ourselves, "I wish the President would say"...:

" Fellow American's , rather that ration or tax gasoline in order to conserve, I am asking for your ideas, for your inventions to come forward and meet the crisis. We believe gas saving equipment is already invented and alternate fuels are possible. Let us mass- produce them now--- and thus conserve our oil supplies and reduce imports."

Yes, this is wishful thinking, and perhaps it is not even the role of government to ask for all our inventions and ideas to be channeled it itself.

Rather , perhaps it is our own responsibility to improve upon that which we have; perhaps it is our own responsibility to invent new techniques to solve our problems;

Do you see, this book is more than a mere presentation of facts, patents and documentation.

It is more than that:

It is a plan of action.
It is a plan of action that depends on each concerned citizen.
You are needed...to write or wire your elected representative and say:
   "Let's not tax our way to conservation. Let us use what is already invented".
Write to your Representative.
Write to your Senator.
Write to the President.

Let us join our efforts together !

Ours is a government that was established "of the people, by the people, for the people".....

Is ours a people-run government today ?

Almost every household in America will be adversely affected by the proposed gas tax package. There are far better ways to conserve this resource.

This issue represents an ideal challenge to the American system of government. It is an ideal test see if the principle of self-government in this country is still true. Every citizen should participate in this test. It is each persons responsibility to determine if his government is responsive to the voice and will of the majority.


Can we the average citizen penetrate and change the desires of the government over his gas tax issue ?

Everyone agrees that theoretically ours in a government of joint participation. The average citizen voices his opinions and ides, the elected officials and experts voice their opinions and ideas--- then the majority vote is the deciding factor.

How do you "vote" on this issue ? Your vote will only be known if you write your lobby letter.

What is the vote of the majority on this issue ? Does the voice of the majority really count in this day and age ?

You are a key person in determining this question. Do your part today .


The second printing of this book was completed in March 1979. The price of gasoline was then beginning to rise above the $0.65 per gallon level.


Now, eight months later, we are adding these pages to be included in our third printing of "Proof Positive." Today, as I type these words, gasoline prices of $1.00 per gallon are not uncommon.

Do you own a motor home ? At $1.00 per gallon gasoline it will cost you over $72.00(for fuel alone) to drive only five hundred miles.

If you drive a sedan averaging 15 mpg, your fuel bill(alone)for the same five hundred mile trip would be approximately $35.00.

Fuel prices have almost doubled in less than one year ! Yes we've been through another oil crisis...and with the `crisis' comes substantially higher prices.

The results of artificially higher fuel prices are clearly predictable: Inflation, Inflation, Inflation.!


The July 16, 1979, issue of Newsweek featured a special report entitled "The Energy Crisis." On page 23, the report begins with this headline: `The Supply Dilemma.' Beneath the headline is a chart in the form of three hourglasses. A brief paragraph ststes:"At present rates of consumption, America's oil and gas will be gone within a decade. Coal is abundant, but environmental and safety problems limit its use." Hourglass #1 show 8.7 years of crude oil left #2 shows 10.7 years of natural gas and #3 shows 666.5 years of coal.( These figures are from the Department Of Energy.)

Most D.O.E. officials and many oil company "experts" have told the American people "we have only a five to ten year supply of oil."

This false line has been thrust upon the guideline public off and on for the past 60 years or more. Simply go to any large city library, ask for the Index of Periodical Literature. Select the years 1914, 1928, 1947, 1973, and 1979. Open to the subject Gasoline- Shortage. Now read the headlines. Ask for there reports and magazines; read the articles... and you will see the same old predictions carried from "oil crisis" to "oil crisis."

The fact is : The world is presently awash in an enormous oil glut. The May, 1978, Harper's magazine carried a highly informative article entitled: "The Arabian Oil Bubble." The article written by Harper's Editor, Lewis H. Lapman, debunked the myth of an all powerful OPEC oil cartel and demonstrated how the U.S. international bankers and their associates control the world oil situation.

Lapman states, "The world market at the moment wallows in a glut of crude oil, and every few weeks yet another renegade economists or research institute mentions the abundance of oil and gas reserves."

Mr. Lapman revealed that his own family had long been active in the oil business. He reported that after thirty years of listening to members of his family discuss the oil business, he came to understand "that the business suffers from a condition of chronic glut. There is always too much oil and gas in the world, and so the problem is always the same-how to restrain the trade. Nobody makes any money unless he can figure a way to control either the production, the distribution, or the price of oil. Old John D. Rockefeller achieved his purpose with hired bullies and talent for monopoly."

Lewis Lapman held the Saudi Arabians has been falsely accused of being the chief villain behind rising oil prices. He asked, if not the Saudi's, who...benefits from the high prices of Oregon oil ?" To find the answer, he conducted a number of off-record interviews.

"...I raised the question with a number of people in New York and Washington, who have a financial interest in sustaining the fiction of perfidious Araby. Without exception, they looked upon the possibility of a break in the Saudi price as being destructive of their own interests. Although they thought that the United State, as a whole, would benefit from a cheaper price, they could foresee nothing but panic and confusion among their institutional confederates in the Department of Energy, the State Department, The International Banks and Oil Companies.

Mr. Lapman conducted a private interview with a investment banker who had a powerful insider's knowledge of international oil and gas deals. The banker admitted, "if you ask me that question(about who benefits from higher oil prices) on the record, then I have no choice but to say. `Yes sir, we have a terrible energycrisis, and the Arabs are awful people.' Off the record, I can tell you that we have no crisis, and that the Arabs are doing us a service. If they cut prices, people would start going out of windows."

A world bank study published last May 25 said almost half the earth's potential oil fields lie untapped in underdeveloped nations.

Entire books have been written which describe the abundance of oil. All we can hope to do in these few pages is show the readers a sample of the evidence, and point those interested in the direction of further research.

There is oil.


In addition to our oil reserve, there are other ways to develop economical energy in America.

A. One example is to use America's great reserve of coal to provide electricity. Many more have also come to our attention since these were listed.

During World War II, the Germans perfected a coal- to-oil process. Today in South Africa, the largest such processing plant is about to go into operation-yet your federal government says that the (advanced) technology doesn't exist.

Time tested technologies being utilized throughout the world prove that America's great coal resource can produce cheap, efficient, pollution-free electric power.

That's right! This technology has ALREADY been developed . It is being used TODAY in several countries around the world.

It is producing fuel cheaper than oil.
It is pollution-free.
It is efficient.

"Currently, most coal is burned to produce steam to turn turbines. This archaic, 19th century technology uses only about 35 percent of the total energy in the burned coal.

"Magnetohydrodynamics(MHD), on the other hand, is vastly more energy-efficient; it utilizes up to 60 percent of the energy in the coal. Thus, nearly twice the power can be derived from the same amount of coal.

"This increase in efficiency is accomplished by eliminating the wasteful steam turbine-generator cycle. With MHD, coal is transformed directly into electric power.

"Not only does MHD yield twice the energy available in the coal as does conventional technology. it also dramatically reduces pollution.

"Significantly, the cost of producing electricity with MHD is less than half that of conventional coalburning power plants; thus, your electric bills could be cut in half if MHD technology was developed."

Patrick Robinson SPOTLIGHT
Research 9/79

For more information on this subject write:
Embassy of Brazil
Massachusetts Ave. NY,
Washington, D.C.20008

Embassy Of Canada
Public Affairs Division,
2450 Massachusetts Ave.
N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20008

Embassy of South Africa
3051 Massachusetts Ave.
N.W., Wshington, D.C. 20008

B. Another example of the vast resource in our country is natural gas. Like Canada and Mexico, we too, have great deposits of natural gas. New fields are being discovered all the time. Just this year a significant discovery was made in N.W. Oregon.(For more information, write Oregon State, Department of Natural Resources.)

Did you know that gas (not propane) can be used as an automotive fuel ? Right now there is a large company in this area running sixty cars on natural gas. Estimated fuel cost ? One half that of gasoline !

C. Then there is oil from "dead"(depleted) wells. Use of the Merki Oil Recovery Process is currently pumping oil from old abandoned wells. Dr. Merki(and others) have developed a polymer which makes it possible to recover "lost"oil. Cost ? $2.00 per barrel!

"One specific formulation alone of this polymeric revelation is responsible for the production of oil in various test wells in several states... with the capability to generate enough oil from the hundred of thousands of so-called"depleted wells" and stripper wells of this country for an estimated 60 year supply, even at the current rate of use-growth. A sister formula is ready to begin recovering enough oil from the tar sands of this continent for an additional estimated 250 year supply."

40 Vision The League of Presidents

A similar (abbreviated)report can be found in the June, 1979, issue of TRAILER LIFE.

or submit inquires in writing to:

Ted McCann, Director
Enhanced Recovery Projects
2300 Niels Esperson Building
Houston. Texas 77001


We could list several more examples of technology that could be used - if there was a real shortage of fossil fuel.

Upon considering study after study and finding after finding, we must conclude with Mr. Lapman; this is a politically motivated "crisis."


What, the, is government's answer (to its own created crisis )?

Monday, July 16, 1979, Kansas City, Mo (Ap). Quote: "President Carter said today that in an unparalleled peacetime commitment, the United States will spend $140 billion on his new energy security program `so that never again will our Nation be hostage of foreign oil'." (The same thing President Nixon said in the last crisis.)

"After announcing the $140 billion price tag, Cater itemized once again the specific measures in his new energy plan:

An Energy Security Corporation, `outside the federal bureaucracy,' free to use independent business judgment to cur oil imports by developing alternative sources of energy (including synthetic fuels).

An energy mobilization board to cut red tape and obstacles to increased energy produc- tion.(Editors note: This is what the Depart- ment of Energy was set up for the following last crisis.)

A shift from oil to coal by U.S.Utilities, plus low-cost utility company loans to consumers to finance conservation improvements

Set aside 16.5 billion over 10 years to finance research to develop a more efficient automobile."


As in the past , more political pay-offs can be expected from such a plan as described above.

General Electric, Chrysler and Globe-union have each developed many electric cars in the past.

Now these companies revived $7 million to build ANOTHER electric car.

Oops ! Before the Department of Energy spent $7 million on this electric car , they should have looked back to the year 1970 to see who won the federally sponsored Clean Air Car Race. The winner was an electric car developed by Electric Fuel Propulsion, Inc., of Ferndale, Michigan. The plush electric achieved "an economical cruising speed of 55-60 mph and a corresponding battery range of 125 miles ; with 30 minutes recharging capacity; price ? less than $10,000. See Popular Science, February 1971, page 55.

Next . Perhaps Westinghouse and General Motors will get next year's "bid" to try to develop an electric car. After all , your elected officials have set aside part of $16.5 billion( think of it, billion) dollars for such a task!

B. Another pay-off example is the great movement toward the development of synthetic fuel(gasoline from coal).

"Estimates range as high as $200 million to build synthetic fuel production from coal to the equivalent of five million barrels of oil a day.

:there is legislation in both the House and Senate that would authorize federal aid for research and development of synthetic fuels and provide loan and price guarantees to private industry for production of the substitute fuels." Washington. DC, August 12, 1979

"Federal aid ? To private industry ? To develop substitute fuel from coal ?

Who is this private industry ? "Oil Is Taking Over The Energy Business."

"A few years ago, Humble Oil & Refining Co. started billing itself in ads as `America's Leading Energy Company.' At first blush, it looked as if Humble was promoting the label only to help sell a new brand called Enco.

"But today, Humble and more than a dozen other U.S. giants can call themselves energy companies without stretching the fact. Almost unnoticed over the last decade, the oil business has become the energy business, bestriding every important form of power fuel.

The oil industry's rowing domination of other energy sources is suddenly getting attention on several fronts. Oil, after all, ranks one of the nation's largest manufacturing businesses, and its companies have always had a knack for running things their own way. Recently, the Federal Trade Commission launched an inquiry into' significant competitive consumer problems in the energy field: Among the problems the FTC is interested in are `monopolistic trends' in the acquisition of coal producers by oil companies.

"Electric utilities, major buyers of fuel, also are concerned. Testifying before the Senate antitrust subcommittee, Alex Radin, general manager of the American Public Power Assn..., alleged that oil, coal, and uranium under one industry flag could seriously affect competition among fuels. `The creation of a handful of vast energy companies controlling energy sources is a frightening prospect;' Radin declared. "I could hold disastrous consequences for the nation.'

"Even one segment of the oil business is upset. The independent-minded National Oil Jobbers Council Wants to call a half to further consolidation of fuel supplies.' Allowing refiners to broaden into competing industries prevent competition I the long run; the trade association maintains. `As we enter an unforeseeably long sellers market, this will result in higher prices to the consumer."

Business Week , November 7, 1970 pages 54-56.

(we can now look back and sadly see the accuracy of those predictions).

Clearly there is no need to grant millions of dollars to these "energy company" for research and development in an area of technology that is ALREADY being used in Canada and South Africa.

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