"We Would Publish Whole Stories That Were Lies" - Newsweek Editor
May 21, 2010
As a journalist, I enjoy reading a good newspaper. I found this amazingly candid editorial in the global edition of the New York Times, of all places. Alex Beam, the author, was a fact-checker with Newsweek magazine in the 1970s. In this piece Beam admits that Newsweek "would publish whole stories that were lies." I have decided to present the entire editorial for my readers because this is the fundamental problem with the controlled press in the United States - it lies through its teeth on matters of grave importance to the public.
The New York Times, you will recall, published a series of stories from Judith Miller that were completely false about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction, which in reality did not exist. These false stories, however, were instrumental in dragging the United States into an extremely costly and disastrous war - one in which we are still engaged. It is, of course, not just Newsweek and the New York Times that are in the business of producing war propaganda and lying to the American people. The entire controlled press network of the United States tells the same lies, especially the big television networks, CNN, and FOX News. The so-called mainstream media (which is really not at all mainstream) has lied to the public for soon to be 9 years about what really happened on 9-11. The 9-11 truth is out but only thanks to independent researchers and writers on the Internet. The Zionist controlled political system and media have been the biggest obstacles to finding the truth about what happened on 9-11. The treasonous media and politicians present us with a politically charged and unstable situation, one which cannot be accepted for very long by any nation who aspires or expects to live in freedom.
When being a journalist-on-the-rise was a glass half-filled job
By Alex Beam, Boston Globe
May 11, 2010

Alex Beam
My first job in journalism was at the now-foundering Newsweek magazine, which the Washington Post Co. has put up for sale. This was — gasp — more than 30 years ago, and my memories are grossly irrelevant to anything that has happened there since, say, 1980. Having said that . . .
Newsweek in 1977 and 1978 was fat, plush, almost 100 pages long, and choked with advertising. (The current issue is 56 pages.) I’m told the magazine had its moment in the 1960s; maybe. When I arrived, it was very much Avis to Time’s Hertz — smaller, somewhat scrappier, but as firmly committed to corporate, factory journalism as our crosstown rival.
I was an editorial assistant/fact-checker, with duties analogous to those of an 18th-century cabin boy in the Royal Navy. My favorite person in the building, a shaky-handed editor named Richard Steele, assured me of a bright future, because I knew when to refresh his bottomless vodka glass as he gleefully tore into staffers’ copy every Friday night.
The entire, nutty journalism model had been lifted wholesale from Henry Luce & Co. over at Time. Correspondents sent lengthy dispatches to New York, where modestly gifted, self-hating writers boiled their work into readable squibs. Actual editors then rehashed the silage a second or third time, until it came out sounding like the Delta Airlines flight magazine. Calvin Trillin, one of several major talents to escape the newsweekly grasp — John McPhee, Geoffrey Wolff, and Maureen Dowd would be others — poked fun at the whole process in his short novel “Floater.’’
In Luce’s day, a cadre of gorgeous, brilliant women from the Seven Sisters colleges backstopped this modern-day rendering plant as fact-checkers. In the late 1970s, about half the fact-checkers were men, so in addition to pouring vodka I checked facts, a process that left me bleakly cynical about journalistic accuracy. We would publish whole stories that were lies — Francois Mitterrand’s plan to destroy the French economy was a recurring theme — but at least the names were spelled correctly. Two T’s, two R’s. I will never forget.
I worked at the international edition, where our big mission was refighting the Cold War. The fall of Saigon was only three years behind us, and glasnost was still eight years away. We printed many “exclusives’’ by a remarkably tanned, anti-communist crusader named Arnaud de Borchgrave, known as “the short count.’’ De Borchgrave would announce his masterpieces with the antiquated phrase “Three bells!’’ an allusion to the old wire-service tickers which used to chime bells touting stories of capital importance. Everyone laughed at de Borchgrave’s copy, but we printed it anyway. Those decisions were made well above my pay grade. He later became editor of the Moonie-owned Washington Times.
The weekly magazine pace was languid. In New York, nobody did any serious work before Thursday. Then we labored like dogs, usually through the night on Friday, writing, rewriting, rerewriting, then trimming and performing light editing through Saturday. Correspondent Seth Mydans once confessed to me that he had no idea how to spend the first half of his week. Like many other Newsweek reporters, he soon drifted away to The New York Times, where, it is said, a Monday-to-Friday work schedule remains in effect.
For me, Newsweek was like an upside-down journalism school, where I learned an astonishing number of bad habits, e.g., having someone else check your facts. We poached material constantly, from newspapers, from other publications — even from Time. Copying from Time was a fact-checker’s dream, because we knew they took accuracy very seriously over there. It is true that a first-year reporter at the Cape Cod Times knew 20 times as much about journalism as I did then, but what the heck: I wanted to work at Newsweek.
I did eventually land enough bylines to move to another job, but because it wasn’t at the Delta flight magazine or at a vodka concession, I had to learn the trade all over again.
The Jewish Secret Society That Controls the U.S. Media
December 1, 2009
"Thanks to the God of Truth..."
Thanks to the God of TRUTH for giving the world a few brave truth tellers who forsake the easy, safe life to dig out the facts and risk their necks to make it available. Bollyn and others have not been harassed because they are spreading fantasy, but because they are making the enemies of freedom and truth uneasy. They know that secrecy and deception are their tools and that an informed public is their undoing.
- A reader comments on an Iranian news report about Bollyn, November 27, 2009
Article: http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=112178§ionid=3510203
Tuesday Radio Show on RBN
I was on the Morning Liberty show with R.J. Hender on the Republic Broadcasting Network on Tuesday, December 1, from 7 - 9 a.m. (Mountain Time). The show is on the RBN website: http://republicbroadcasting.org/
Subject: Proof of a Conspiracy - The Evidence that a Secret Brotherhood Controls the U.S. Media
I discussed the key role played by the secret Jewish freemasonic "brotherhood" of B'nai B'rith in the cover-up of the truth of 9-11. This is a very old and powerful Jewish secret society, founded by 12 German Jews in New York City in 1843, which has long had immense influence in the spheres of the U.S. judicial system, government, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and media. The B'nai B'rith is a secret organization that works to promote a foreign and un-American agenda -- Zionism. Many of its members are high-level judges. What does this say about judicial corruption by members of a secret society for Jews only?

In 1878, the B'nai B'rith was already "one of the most powerful secret organizations in the United States." It began when the Jewish population of the U.S. was very small and consisted primarily of Jews of German origin.
The B'nai B'rith - eager to swell its ranks - was instrumental in recruiting and bringing hundreds of thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe to the U.S. in the late 1800s. The illiterate and uneducated Jews from the ghettos of Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and Byelorussia were sent to frontier towns like Cleveland and became new members of the growing secret society. The family of the Cleveland gangster Sam Miller, father of Aaron Miller of the State Departmen, and the Chertoff family are such B'nai B'rith families. Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel comes from two B'nai B'rith families of Chicago - the Auerbach and the Smulevitz clans. Michael Goff, the founding manager of Ptech, the Mossad Trojan Horse of 9-11, is the son and grandson of the leading B'nai B'rith 32nd Degree Masons of Worcester, Massachusetts. The secret society of B'nai B'rith now has immense influence in virtually every town and village across the United States and Canada. The judge, the clerk, and your lawyer are probably all members of the same secret society. That is the kind of injustice I experienced in Cook County when I was maliciously prosecuted for my 9-11 research in 2007.

The Music, Entertainment, and Media Unit of the B'nai B'rith is a special lodge, created in 1963, for members holding high-level positions in the U.S. media industry. This is the secret organization that allows the Jewish owners of media outlets to conspire and control the information provided to the American people.
Like many other Jewish media moguls, Gerald M. Levin (the head of HBO AOL Time Warner) who took over CNN from Ted Turner in the mid-1990s, is also a member of the Media Lodge of B'nai B'rith. The Zionists wanted complete control of the U.S. mass media and conspired to get CNN away from Turner's control. CNN's live coverage of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 showed that a Gentile-owned media network of such size was a serious threat to the Zionist criminal agenda. In order to understand WHY the U.S. mass media will never address the facts and evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 it is essential to understand how this secret Zionist organization controls the U.S. media. This Jews-only secret society has a distinctly foreign agenda, something which should be of concern to all Americans.

B'nai B'rith used their agent Eddie Jacobson, a personal friend of Harry Truman's, to get the U.S. president to approve the 1947 UN Partition Plan of Palestine and the subsequent establishment of the Zionist state in 1948. Frank Goldman and Maurice Bisgyer, the two heads of B'nai B'rith who conspired with Jacobson to get Truman's support for the Zionist project, were both "zealous" Zionists, according to A.J. Granoff, a B'nai B'rith member involved in the secret meetings held off-the-record in the Oval Office.
FUCHS: Well, now, several men, such as Frank Goldman, who I believe was president at the time we're mainly interested in, of B’nai B’rith, and Maurice Bisgyer, were, it would seem to me, in my limited reading, rather pro-Zionist to quite a degree.
GRANOFF: That's right. But at first they had to sort of cover it up, but they then became openly zealous.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"B'nai B'rith and Israel: The Unbroken Covenant," 1998, The B'nai B'rith World Center, Israel
A:J. Granoff Interview from the Truman Library
Bollyn Statement on the Importance of Non-Violence
A physical therapist examined my right arm last week and determined that I am still unable to extend it fully, one full year after my right elbow was fractured in an act of police brutality. I cannot straighten my arm and suffer pain in the elbow because it was broken by three armed thugs of the Hoffman Estates police department one year ago on 15 August 2006.
The three "tactical officers" who were involved in breaking my right elbow and TASERing me while I was held down and restrained are: Michael Barber, Timothy Stoy, and Darin Felgenhauer. I hold these men and their supervising officers fully accountable for the injury and suffering they have inflicted on my family.
In my frustrated attempt to obtain justice through the court for the brutal police assault that I and my family suffered, I discovered that there is a host of characters involved in supporting the extremely corrupt judicial system in Cook County (Chicago). From the judge on down, there are scores of people who support this terribly flawed system of justice that only promotes injustice. This includes the prosecuting and defense attorneys, the office of the clerk, the county sheriff and police departments within the county.
I am a non-violent person who is the victim of police brutality. I still cannot straighten my right arm. I have no idea what internal injuries I have suffered as a result of the "drive stun" of 50,000 volts that was delivered to my lower back as I was held down by two "peace officers" of the Hoffman Estates police department.
I do know that Officer Tim Stoy knelt with his full body weight on my right temple (a fact which Felgenhauer testified to in court) for about two minutes and that this non-police lethal hold could have very easily caused brain damage and death.
I also know that Officer Michael Barber conspired, prepared, and delivered the "drive stun" from his TASER weapon while he and Stoy held me down with my left hand cuffed behind my back and my right arm trapped beneath my body. Because I was not resisting in any way and was fully restrained, Barber's TASERing of me can only be considered as torture with the intent to injure or kill.
I hold these men, and their superiors, fully accountable, and will do what I can to obtain justice. But would I do such a thing to them if our positions were reversed or if I had the chance for revenge? Would I inflict violence or torture on them?
No. I would not because I don't use violence. I see violence and torture as uncivilized and un-Christian.
I saw the corrupt officers who tortured me and broke my arm giving each other "high fives" when I went to court the first time. I didn't know then that the police in Chicago and Cook County always get off. Torture has been used by the police in Chicago for decades and according to a series of articles in the Chicago Reader, the police involved in such torture have never been held accountable for the lies they tell in court.
See: http://www.chicagoreader.com/policetorture/
I listened how Stoy and Barber told bold-faced lies on the stand. They said they smelled alcohol on my breath from 10 feet away, for example, and that I clenched my fists and threatened the three armed and armor-clad officers. They said I then resisted their arrest, flailed my arms, and did three push-ups with two men on top of me.
Both Stoy and Barber told the court that the other guy had called out "TASER" before the TASER shock was delivered. Logic dictates that either both men are either both lying or one is lying and the other has forgotten what he did that day.
I, for that matter, know that both men are lying because I didn't hear either man on top of me say anything before I felt a square object placed against my lower back prior to the delivery of the electrocution-type shock. One was above my head and the other was on top of my back so I would have heard if either of them had said "TASER, TASER, TASER," as Barber said Stoy shouted.
Neither one of them said anything - not one damn word.
Against the protest of my attorneys, Judge Hyman Riebman allowed Barber to give false testimony about the effects of a "drive stun" TASER shock.
Barber, who is not an expert on the effects of TASER shock, told the court that such a 50,000 volt shock only affects an area of about 1 square inch and has only the power of a small Christmas light. This is utter nonsense but Riebman allowed Barber to speak as an expert on the effects of TASERing.
The police lies only continued and grew as the prosecution said that I had called 911 in order to start a fight, ignoring the fact that the tactical team had interfered with the 911 response and taken over the call from the uniformed officer who had been dispatched to my house. If a uniformed officer had responded to my non-emergency call there obviously would have been no cause for any alarm.
See: http:/www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=100543
Is violence an answer to any of the problems that plague the police?
No. I do not support violence as a solution and never have. I am a journalist and a writer, not a provocateur. I am convinced that the violence that I suffered in August 2006 was inflicted on me because of my journalism. The evidence clearly indicates that the Hoffman Estates police conspired to use violence on me long before the three-man "tactical unit" arrived at my house. Although the actions of Barber, Stoy, and Felgenhauerare clearly reprehensible, and I and my family have suffered immensely as a result of their criminal actions, I would not wish any violence upon them.
Violence does not solve anything and only results in more pain and suffering. I say this because I am very concerned with the discussion of violence that I see on the Iamthewitness. com website. This website is run by Eric Hufschmid and an Internet radio host known as Daryl B. Smith, who lives in France.
"We may have to kill all of them."
In a recent article entitled "Battle Plan," the website uses language that implies the use of violence to "eliminate our infestation of parasites." While I certainly agree with the need to remove the sources of corruption of our financial, political, and judicial systems, I completely disagree with the notion that violence is the solution to the problem.
It is counter-productive, extremely foolish, and irresponsible for Hufschmid and Smith to say things like this on their website:
"Alex Jones and other Zionist Deniers often imply that the only way to stop "them" is with violence. We should consider the possibility that he is telling us the truth. The Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, Chertoffs, and everybody else in this Zionist crime network may never give up. We may have to kill all of them."
"If violence erupts, the FBI and police may have to be our first targets."
See: http://www.iamthewitness.com/Battle-Plan.html
I would hope that Eric Hufschmid would have the intelligence and common sense not to say such things. Doesn't he realize what he asking for by saying such things? Perhaps Eric should read what happened to Matt Hale. He has been imprisoned for 40 years for simply being the inspiration for a killer of a judge's family in Chicago.
This language could easily be seen as "hate speech" or inciting violence. With comments like these Hufschmid and Smith are going out on very thin ice - legally. This is nowhere I would want to go. I would strongly urge them to remove such comments and stick to the moral high ground. Such violent language marginalizes them - and their message. Don't they see that?
Hufschmid urges me to speak on his Internet radio show but I simply cannot and would not want be seen as supporting such calls for violence. I can not associate myself with people who are seen as supporting violence. It is that simple.
It is against my nature to promote violence. Furthermore, it is extremely unwise and counter-productive to do so.
Has violence solved anything in Palestine and Iraq? Has violence advanced any peace anywhere - ever? Have the Israelis achieved anything with all their killing and weapons? Has the American and British use of force in Iraq brought democracy, peace, or prosperity to that beleagured nation?
No, no, no.
Armed resistance, on the other hand, such as that of the Hezbollah in south Lebanon, is the legally and morally justified resistance to an armed invasion. The Intifadah of Palestine is fully justified as the legal resistance to the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. These resistance movements are defensive, essential, and legal and I certainly would not condemn them.
Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
August 21, 2007
Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid about Spreading False News and Baseless Accusations
which I still consider to be the best book about 9-11. I helped you with the editing and since then you have helped me a great deal in my 9-11 research. I can safely say that you have been my biggest supporter since then.
You and I participated in Jimmy Walter's 9-11 tour throughout Europe in May-June
I have known you since 2002 when you were first writing Painful Questions,
2005. During the tour you saw how different Zionist agents desperately tried to prevent me from speaking about the evidence of Israeli involvement in the terror attacks of 9-11 and the key role that the Israeli-American Asst. Attorney General Michael Chertoff played in covering up the truth of what happened.
You remember how I was not allowed to speak in Vienna because of the efforts of Jenna Orkin to scare Jimmy and the local PR firm that my comments would be seen as illegal in Austria. You saw how that strange fellow in Paris and London begged me not to mention Chertoff in my speech.
You have also known that since November 2001 I have been targeted and unfairly smeared by Zionist agents, primarily the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). When we visited you in May of 2006, I told you that we did not feel safe at our home in Illinois due to the intrusive FBI snoops.
Since then you have produced an excellent website, www.iamthewitness.com, with which you have done an excellent job in educating your readers and listeners about the history of Zionism and its control in the U.S. media and government.
As I told you then, if we want to win the hearts and minds of the public we have to have better websites to provide the essential information. On your website you have done an excellent job in posting some of my articles about 9-11 and Zionism, for which I am grateful.
When the police cranked up their intrusive snooping to the next level and invaded my home and brutally assaulted me, you used your website to bring attention to my plight in the corrupt courts of Cook County. I am very grateful for that.
I sincerely applaud your efforts to educate the public about Zionism and wish you continued success. The struggle against the crimes of Zionism is an extremely important battle which deserves our best efforts, which is why I am writing this open letter.
In order to win the struggle against the Zionist criminal network, we need to keep to the moral high ground and let the evidence and truth reveal the criminals. This is also my philosophy about exposing the truth about 9-11. The facts will reveal the criminals behind the crime.
If your website is to succeed in reaching a larger audience you have to stick to the truth and maintain the highest moral standards. It is essential for your success that you are fair and honest.
There are several areas where you have not stuck to the moral high ground and it has hurt your credibility immensely:
1. You have spread false news.
2. You have damaged my business and reputation by spreading false news.
3. You engage in baseless allegations against serious 9-11 researchers,
like Dr. Steven E. Jones and others.
4. You use violent and hateful language.
"Christopher Bollyn is still MIA, but don't let that frighten you!"
For nearly two months, you and your colleague on The French Connection have said that I am M.I.A. and that I, and my family, have been kidnapped or killed. You, however, know very well that this is not true because we have been exchanging emails and spoken on the phone several times during this time.
This is spreading false news.
You know very well that I have not been kidnapped. I have told you in plain English on several occasions since June that this is complete nonsense. So why do you continue to post such rubbish?
To this day the opening lines on your website say this:
"Daryl Bradford Smith firmly believes that Linda Shelton is a principal in the bizarre disappearance of the Bollyn family, and calls for a full investigation into the actions and associations of this woman."
I understand that you work together with Mr. Smith but that you have never even met him. You know that I have not been kidnapped but you are unable to convince your associate on The French Connection of this?
What kind of partnership do you have with Mr. Smith? Does he not believe you, the webmaster and producer of his radio show?
Why do you allow him to spread false news which you know full well is absolutely false? Don't you realize that this is like crying "wolf" and will only hurt your credibility?
Why have you spread alarm among my supporters with false news?
You certainly realize that it was your criticism of American Free Press that allowed that organization to fire me in October 2006. Although I was not even aware of the article that you had written, AFP used it against me by saying that I was an "associate" of yours. So it was guilt by association which cost me my job.
Because you wrote a critical article about AFP on your website, I lost my job.
Since I lost my income from AFP, I have had to rely on donations, editing jobs, and selling my book for children, ABC Zoo. At the same time I have had to defend myself against malicious prosecution in the Cook County courts.
For the past two months or so, you have spread false information on my links which go through your website, saying: "Note: we are not sure what happens if you donate money or order books from Bollyn!"
This "note" has obviously discouraged people from donating to my work or buying my book. Why would you do such a thing unless you really wanted to hurt my income and business?
In your "Battle Plan" of 17 August 2007 you make some very unfair accusations and exhibit a very bizarre prejudice:
Under the subtitle "Professors, engineers, architects, and other phony 'truth seekers'" you (or Mr. Smith) wrote:
"Some of these people may simply be naive, but they should all be considered guilty until proven innocent. Professor Steven Jones, for example, has been associating with Jim Hoffman for years."
"Guilty until proven innocent?"
Guilty of what, may I ask?
Professor Jones has done more to explain the presence of molten metal in the rubble of the World Trade Center than anyone. His research has been extremely important in understanding what caused the buildings to collapse. For this he has suffered the slings and arrows of Zionist agents who grossly defamed him and caused him to lose his teaching position.
See: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?noframes;read=93189
Your baseless accusations against Jones put you on the same side as those Zionist agents who defamed the good professor in September 2006, namely Doug Fabrizio, Robert Goldberg, Gary Fine, and William Tumpowsky of the United Jewish Federation.
Whatever your motivation might be, you have done the same thing to Professor Jones as these Zionist agents. Why would you and Mr. Smith want to do that? Don't you see that you are effectively carrying water for the Zionists and those who would hide the truth of 9-11 by making such baseless accusations against Dr. Jones?
How does it advance the cause of 9-11 truth to say that Professor Jones is "guilty until proven innocent?"
This is what I am in the Zionist-dominated court of Cook County. This is what I am in the eyes of Zionist-run CNN. This is why I am now an exile.
I have suffered from the controlled media and corrupt court in which I was considered guilty until proven innocent. Despite an abundance of evidence proving that I am innocent - I was found "guilty." I know what this
Don't you know what it means to consider somebody guilty until proven innocent? It is absolutely outrageous and irresponsible to say such things.
Who do you think will accept such mean-spirited and un-American logic? How can you complain about being marginalized when you say such things on your website? Don't you see that you and Mr. Smith are your own worst
Do you realize that "guilty until proven innocent" is exactly how President George W. Bush treated Saddam Hussein in relation to weapons of mass destruction? You are asking Jones to prove a negative - that he is not guilty?
You are saying that Jones is guilty because he "associates" with Jim Hoffman? Guilty of what?
Daryl B. Smith, your associate on The French Connection, evidently said some very nasty and untrue things about me after he met me in November 2005, yet I have never held you accountable for your association with the person who evidently slandered me.
This evil and malicious slander could have only come from him because it concerned my visit to his home in France during which he and his wife were the only people present besides me and my family. Ask yourself why Mr. Smith, or is it Dr. Smith, would spread evil slander about me and then avoid me for nearly a year.
I asked you if you have ever met Mr. Smith and you said he is "just a voice on the phone." You do all this work for "a voice on the phone?"
Eric, do you really know who you are associating with? Does Mr. Smith really have your best interest at heart? Is he really after the truth of 9-11? If so, why would he say such evil and false things about me and my family?
After he slandered me, I spoke with you and Mr. Smith on your radio show. I did not hold this evil and harmful slander against you or him. I thought it was more important to get the information about 9-11 out than to discuss our differences.
Now, however, I see that there is a pattern to this madness that is dangerous and harmful. I can no longer ignore the warning flags.
The last point concerns language used in the "Battle Plan" you and Mr. Smith have on your website. You use language that suggests or implies that violence needs to be used to regain control of our money supply, government, and media.
You, or Mr. Smith, wrote:
"Alex Jones and other Zionist Deniers often imply that the only way to stop "them" is with violence. We should consider the possibility that he is telling us the truth. The Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, Chertoffs, and everybody else in this Zionist crime network may never give up. We may have to kill all of them.
If violence erupts, the FBI and police may have to be our first targets."
See: http://www.iamthewitness.com/Battle-Plan.html
As I wrote in my Statement on the Importance of Non-Violence:
"This language could easily be seen as "hate speech" or inciting violence. With comments like these Hufschmid and Smith are going out on very thin ice - legally. This is nowhere I would want to go. I would strongly urge them to remove such comments and stick to the moral high ground. Such violent language marginalizes them - and their message. Don't they see that?
Hufschmid urges me to speak on his Internet radio show but I simply cannot and would not want be seen as supporting such calls for violence. I can not associate myself with people who are seen as supporting violence. It is that simple. "
See: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=108125
I am compelled to write this open letter because my private communications with you obviously failed to produce any changes concerning the false news about me. You and Mr. Smith have lied about me and hurt my business. Your irresponsible and reckless comments can hurt you more than you think.
I urgently and strongly urge you to consider my comments and stick to the facts and the moral high ground. You must remove any comments that can be see as inciting violence. You must not make baseless allegations against others and you must stick to the truth. There is no other way.
Christopher Bollyn
Bollyn Responds to Malicious Slander of Daryl B. Smith
Bollyn Responds to Final Message of Daryl B. Smith
A person called Daryl Bradford Smith has posted malicious slander about me on his website "The French Connection." This is more of the same slander that he began spreading after I visited him in November 2005. Smith has only seen me once and does not know very much about me, but he is clearly dedicated to defaming me. This is clearly his attempt to assassinate my character.
In his "final message" about me, Smith continues to spread the same vicious lies about me and my family. His theatrical rant of September 5 seems to be a clear reaction to my posting a photo of me with Smith taken before I left his home in rural France. Smith's outrageous lies about me and our visit are clearly meant only to defame and discredit me as a 9-11 researcher and writer. This is typical behavior of Smith who has tried to discredit other serious 9-11 researchers like Dr. Steven E. Jones.
See: http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_5Sep2007.html
Smith claims that he has worked with me for years and that I have been part of his team with Eric Hufschmid. This is completely false. I am an independent journalist and he and Eric have only used my work to promote their website since the fall of 2006. The French Connection is just one of many websites that have posted my articles.
I have been posting my articles on Rumor Mill News for years and have spoken on many radio shows long before Smith and Hufschmid started their website. Since the summer of 2006, they have tried to make it appear as if I have been working exclusively with them, which has never been the case.
Because Smith's recent emotional "rant" was laden with malicious lies concerning my visit to his house in November 2005, I am compelled to provide my account of that visit.
I first heard of the person known as "Daryl Bradford Smith" when I was interviewed for his radio show called "The French Connection" on the Genesis Communications Network (GCN). I don't recall when I first spoke on his show but it was certainly many months before September 2005, which is when he now says he first heard of me.
Smith started calling us at our home near Chicago in early 2005. This led to a show that he did with Helje about the sinking of Estonia when he was with GCN. For the record, he did a second show with Helje about Estonia in the spring of 2006, when we were in Provo visiting Dr. Steven E. Jones.
The GCN was founded by John Stadtmiller, who would later go on to found the Republic Broadcasting Network. How Stadtmiller and GCN found Smith in rural France, I don't know. As he said on his GCN radio show of January 3, 2006, he is "living out here in the middle of nowhere." Smith's credentials and background are both very murky.
At the request of Eric Hufschmid, I visited Smith in November 2005 after the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels where I was a panelist and speaker. My speech included the discovery of molten metal in the World Trade Center and the research being done by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University.
See: http://www.voltairenet.org/article131471.html
Smith first invited us to visit in the spring of 2005. He had repeatedly invited us to visit through my wife, Helje. He had led us to believe that he lived in a nice French country house "full of antiques." He even told her that some of the moving people had "knicked" some of his antiques. As we discovered, his house is quite a bit less grand than he had led us to expect.
When we were in Brussels for the Axis for Peace conference, Smith told me that he lived just south of Paris. When I checked the map and into taking the train, however, I found that it would cost about $400 to make the trip one-way to the nearest town to Smith's place, which would not have been at all close. With the high price and bad connections of the French rail system, and the fact that the national rail workers were going on strike, I decided not to make the trip.
I called Smith and Eric Hufschmid and told them that I would not be making the trip.
Both Hufschmid and Smith were quite unhappy to hear this and Hufschmid offered to send me money to pay for the trip. Due to the rail strike and Smith's remote location, I decided that to make the trip we would have to take a detour and try to get as close as possible using the excellent German rail system and then rent a car.
We used the "Beautiful Weekend" pass on the German rail network, which allows an entire family to travel for 24 hours for only $30. Using the "Schoenes Wochenende" pass we traveled to Switzerland. From Geneva, where we lived in a large and nicely furnished apartment, I rented an Avis car to drive west over the mountains to Smith's house.
Smith says that we came in a very large and fancy BMW-type car, but, in fact, it was only a simple Opel, the smallest car that would be suitable for our trip that Avis had available.

Bollyn checking the map by the rented Opel before leaving Smith's place on the morning after Thanksgiving
For Thanksgiving, we drove across France to the small village where Smith lived. The drive from Geneva took about 10 hours each way. We arrived in the afternoon and had Thanksgiving dinner with him and his wife.
The old farmhouse where he lived had been abandoned property and he was doing some renovation to try and make it livable. He showed me some upstairs space where he had hung some drywall. He asked me if I would be able to stick around to help him with his renovation project. This indicates that he didn't dislike me as much as he now says he did upon meeting me.
The house was very small and uncomfortable and not at all suitable for children to live in. It was a far cry from what he had led us to expect. It was quite cold and primitive and we didn't want to subject our children to such dismal conditions. We had planned to stay one night and left the next day after breakfast and a walk. We stayed in a pleasant hotel in Moulins, about half-way from Geneva, on the way to and from Smith's house. I don't recall the name of his village.
While Smith's wife, Pascal, was very pleasant and hospitable, he was rather suspicious and withdrawn. Suddenly, during the dinner, he turned to us and asked: "Why did you really come?" in a distinctly unpleasant tone. We reminded him that he was the one who had invited us.
He was not at all interested in talking with me. I had just spent weeks in Worms and Mannheim covering the trial of Ernst Zundel. He had no interest in that or any other subject that I had written about. He was quite different from the person I had expected him to be.
We brought the best wine, chocolate, and marmelade we could find for the Thanksgiving dinner. Smith, according to Eric Hufschmid, has some liver disease, something like cirrhosis of the liver, although we were not aware of this prior to our visit. For that reason, he was not able to enjoy the fine wine we had brought.

Helje at the Chocolatier in Moulins holding the bag of the finest hand-made chocolates as a gift for Smith
His charming wife, Pascal, had been a teacher of "hip-hop" street dance, she said. She was very glad to have some wine with us.
Pascal and Smith had one large and two small dogs. My daughter, who loves animals, enjoyed playing with them. We got two amazing photos of her holding one of the dogs. These photos show an incredible aura around them.

Bollyn's daughter holding one of Smith's dogs
Pascal told me that her family was in Lyon and I recall thinking that Pascal appeared to be of North African ancestry. France has millions of ethnic North Africans from its former colonies of Algeria, Tunisia, etc. She certainly enjoyed meeting us and being with our children, who have attended European schools and been home-schooled. Helje has a degree in teaching and I have worked as a teacher in the International School in Stockholm.
The Thanksgiving meal was excellent and my children distinctly recall having had second portions. My daughter still remembers enjoying "the crunchy part."
During the visit, Helje asked Daryl if he had been to Vietnam. He said that he was too young for that. A little later he asked Helje, rather inquisitively, "Who told you I was in the military?"
Helje said that he just reminded her of somebody she knew who had been in Vietnam.
Daryl exhibited an unexpected anti-German attitude. We had just come from Germany, where we had lived for two years and where our children had gone to school. When I told Smith about the German trains and the high standard of construction and living in Germany, he showed animosity toward anything German.
He insisted that everything was better in France, which we know very well is not the case. French windows, for example, are often leaky and single-pane glass. German windows, on the other hand, are state of the art and energy efficient no matter where you look.
Contrary to what he says in his latest rant, I did not stand up with wine spilling from my mouth and sing the German national anthem or raise a Nazi salute. This is absurd fiction.
This is merely meant to defame me, as are his comments that I was drunk. This is pure fiction. Defaming me as a wild drunk is exactly what Michael Piper has tried to do as did the Hoffman Estates police and the prosecution during my trial.
During the evening, Smith claimed that he had the exact same birthdate as I, but I remember that he was off by a year in age. Furthermore, he didn't make much of the amazing coincidence that we should have the exact same birthday. How odd.
In the spring of 2005, Daryl had talked to Helje about the "upcoming epidemic" of Bird Flu, and that this was the reason he had moved to rural France.
"Bird Flu will kill most of the world's population," he told her.
When we visited him, he showed us the large amounts of Tamiflu he had stocked in his house. We noticed, however, that there were free-roaming geese living in the yard. I photographed one that was not more than 20 feet from his front door.

One of the geese that roamed freely in front of Smith's house
Early in the morning, after a rather sleepless night, we went to the kitchen and had breakfast with Pascal. Smith was nowhere to be seen but came out after we had already finished eating. He appeared to be sleepy and grouchy and excused himself saying that he has "liver problems" that don't let him sleep.
After breakfast, all of us except Daryl went on a walk with Pascal to see some fields nearby with horses.

Going for the walk with Pascal, who appears to be quite happy with the Bollyn family. Daryl's house is to the right of the car by the potted plant.
It was quite damp and chilly and the children, whose feet were getting cold and who have seen plenty of horses in North Dakota, decided that they wanted to go back to the house. It had started to rain by the time they got there but Smith wouldn't let them in. When we returned from our walk with Pascal, we found the kids waiting outside by the door - shivering.
This seemed rather odd, we thought. Why would Smith refuse to let the kids in the house? Did he have some communications that he needed to make in privacy? What kind of host would lock out a 10- and a 7-year-old child and leave them out in the cold?
After our visit on Thanksgiving 2005, Smith spread malicious slander about me and my family to people he knew through the Internet. He stopped communicating altogether with us after our visit. Smith's malicious slander even found its way to the courtroom where I was on trial last spring.
Rather than discussing the real issues, such as 9-11 or the corrupt legal system that prosecuted me, Smith and Eric Hufschmid have tried to make an issue out of me. Hufschmid has known all along that my family and I were fine. There was no need to raise the alarm that we had been kidnapped or killed. This is utter fiction that only Smith and Hufschmid have promoted. Unfortunately, many people believe the alarming and slanderous lies of Smith.
Why is Smith so antagonistic towards me and those who have helped me during my trial? Why has he spread malicious slander about me since he met me in November 2005? He now says that he had extreme animosity toward me from the minute he met me. Why would I trust him with anything?

Bollyn (left) with Smith the morning after Thanksgiving before leaving for Geneva
James B. Phillips Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid & Daryl B. Smith
September 7, 2007
A Response To: Christopher Bollyn’s Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
The following is an open letter to Eric Hufschmid and the person known as "Daryl Bradford Smith" from James B. Phillips, a friend and supporter of Christopher Bollyn.
James B. Phillips is a devout Catholic and combat veteran of the Vietnam War.
In this open letter Phillips asks Hufschmid about his increasingly bizarre behavior and that of the person with whom he works but has never met - Daryl Bradford Smith.
Hufschmid and Smith run a website called The French Connection. On this website they have been saying for several months that I have been tortured, kidnapped, killed or imprisoned, depending on what day of the week it is. Now they say I am a Zionist agent who has been tortured, or some such nonsense.
I have repeatedly warned Eric Hufschmid about Daryl Bradford Smith since I met Mr. Smith in France in November 2005. He is an extremely suspicious character, to say the least. My warnings to Eric seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. It appears to me that Mr. Smith has roped and tied Eric.
When Hufschmid, the webmaster of The French Connection, posted false rumors about me in June and July, I repeatedly told him to remove these comments - but he did not.
He told me that Daryl wanted all my articles removed from the website. I then told Eric to remove my material from the website that he no longer seemed to control - but he didn't.
I asked him if he even knows who Daryl Bradford Smith really is - but he doesn't.
Hufschmid admitted that he has no idea who Smith is in an email to me [Bollyn] on July 18, 2007:
"I don't expect you -- or anybody -- to like, or work with, Daryl. I don't even know Daryl, except as a voice on the telephone."
So, Hufschmid, who is critical of everyone in the 9-11 movement, is working for "a voice on the telephone." Does that make sense?
The French Connection has a small blurb on About Daryl Bradford Smith:
"He worked as a top chef, owned his own restaurant, and was a professor. A few years ago he moved to France with his wife."
A professor? In what, may I ask? He talks like a person who has studied torture methods.
Hufschmid, who calls for investigating everybody in the 9-11 truth movement is working closely with somebody he has never even met?
Hufschmid says: "How do we determine who to trust? How do we know which of the people who complain about Zionism are seriously interested in stopping it? All we can do is investigate everybody; no exceptions."
"It is considered acceptable to investigate political candidates -- and even insult them -- but when we investigate the people in the "9-11 truth movement", we are chastised for "dividing the movement", "creating fights", or "spreading gossip".
"Since background checks are considered acceptable for businesses, why are we not allowed to investigate people in the 9/11 movement?
"What would happen if we investigate 9/11 activists?"
I say. What would happen if we investigate Daryl Bradford Smith? What would we find in his military background? How did he wind up working with John Stadtmiller and Genesis Communications Network from the middle of France? What is his real name and what does his Curriculum Vitae look like?
I have excellent photographs of my visit to Smith's hideout in central France. I went there with my family and they all have excellent recall of what he was like and what transpired. This material and photographs will soon be appearing on:
Here is the Open Letter written by James B. Phillips:
September 6, 2007
Dear Mr. Hufschmid:
This is an "open letter" being sent to you by an individual who along with many others has been very let down in their expectations of you and the person who goes by the name of Daryl Bradford Smith.
I just got done listening to the latest "rant" of Mr. Smith in which he castigates Christopher Bollyn to the nth degree. I also read your latest take on the Bollyn case ("What happened to the Bollyn family?").
See: http://iamthewitness.com/Bollyn-Broken.html
I am not addressing this letter directly to Smith because he indicated in his talk that he did not wish to entertain any further communications regarding Mr. Bollyn. Nevertheless, you are presumably free to forward this to him with your comments if you see fit. I am simply copying it to him.
Ever since Christopher and family left for parts unknown, you and Smith have harmed him all the while claiming that you were concerned for his well being. You harmed him by what you put on your site regarding what you thought was his status. This caused his income from donations to drop drastically.
In effect you were trying to get him to communicate with you on your terms (i.e., another audio file interview) by economic coercion. This is absolutely despicable and your failure to publicly come clean on this issue makes it obvious to those with a discerning eye that you are acting maliciously or are in serious denial.
It is interesting that in all the defensive self-serving posturing by you and Smith neither of you ever address the issue of how your actions have caused grave economic loss for Bollyn. Not that he would ever sue you, but it would certainly appear that your direct and substantial contribution to his economic losses by intentionally discouraging others from contributing to him, especially after he repeatedly pleaded with you to stop would constitute a viable tort action.
I have also found it interesting that in all the time you both worked with Mr. Bollyn neither of you ever helped as a friend by providing a link to his website. Many unsuspecting people thought that The French Connection was actually the "official" Christopher Bollyn website when in fact it was not at all.
For the record Chris' site is www.bollyn.com. Your obvious failure to include a link to Chris' website demonstrates a desire for control, not friendship.
I notice that you seem to want so much to tell the world where Chris is. It is rather curious that neither you nor Smith seem willing to disclose your exact locations. You gents like to speak of Christopher's brother. What, if anything, does the public know of your siblings, or even if you have any other than the Murdoch connection.
You cast aspersions quite freely; people are to be considered guilty until proven innocent. That is a rather interesting standard. Does it also apply to both of you? Have you proven your innocence? Please provide an article on same.
It is not without reason that more and more people are coming to see you and Smith as the guilty ones. Are you what a group of French heretical nuns were called: pure as angels and proud as devils?
When Bollyn refused to communicate with you on your terms you both went ballistic. Imagine two grown supposedly mature men carrying on with a major non-stop hissy fit. Did it never occur to either of you that you were behaving like this? People have come to see your actions not as a true response of friends, but rather as two individuals who were much more interested in control than friendship, faked or otherwise.
You have turned on good decent people like Jim Condit, Jr., who realizes that we live in a world populated by many gray characters and we must carry on the best we can without compromising our moral integrity. I recall an audio clip where you painted Condit with your typical broad brush as a bad guy. Bollyn, much to his credit, quickly spoke up to defend Condit.
Your actions are so often rash. In many ways you and Smith are your own worst enemies. We don't live in a world of black and white stick men. That world may have existed for us in our kindergarten days, but it should be long gone by now.
Your Pharisaical condemnation of guilt by association is just that. Is that why Smith condemned Jesus Christ to a wished for retroactive abortion?! Was it because Jesus was associated with Suzette, a gal who woke up to what Smith was all about. Well, don't take my word for it.
Smith in his rant on Suzette stated as much. His self-serving defensive rationalizing spin on his emotional outburst against Suzette by way of blaspheming the Blessed Mother of God by wishing that she had an abortion of the God/Man who as Second Divine Person of the Blessed Trinity actually created Smith was rather incredible. How many people have you known in your lifetime have blasphemed in such a way against both the Blessed Mother and her Divine Son and at the same time?!
Then, again maybe I am asking the wrong person for who exactly is Eric Hufschmid?
Eric Hufschmid is an individual who promotes the totally bogus science of evolution on his website. The article (which hopefully you won't delete or modify after this open letter to you goes out) "Science and Religion" states in part: "The process by which fertilized eggs develop into a dog, a rabbit, a pig, and a human is evidence that all creatures evolved from a hollow ball of cells that floated in the water. This creature evolved into a fish-like creature, which eventually evolved into a creature that walks on land."
It is particularly interesting that you promote evolution Mr. Hufschmid being as that the teaching of evolution has always been at the very core of atheistic communism. For evolution to stand the Christian Religion must fall. There is no middle ground. So called "Theistic Evolution" is a bogus modernist oxymoron which any properly educated Christian fully realizes.
Seeing as Mr. Hufschmid apparently believes in evolution it should not be so surprising to see him drop other gems like this on his website: "If there is a God, and if he cared what we think about him, wouldn't he tell all humans what to think? Why would he leave us in a state of ignorance and confusion?
The most sensible explanation to this mystery is that if there is a god, he doesn't care what we think about him." What type of person is this Mr. Hufschmid who reveals a great mystery to us by offering the alternative of atheism or of a God who could care less what we think about Him? These are just two of the "delights" for public consumption from Mr. Hufschmid's website. Mr. Hufschmid, honestly, do you actually believe this stuff? I would expect this kind of stuff to emanate from the mind of a "good" Talmudist.
At least two of the articles on Smith's website which presumably you placed there contain lewd pornographic type images. These types of images work to corrupt the minds, hearts, and souls of men. Freemasons and Zionists in particular want to corrupt Man's morals. Sexual imagery is one of their strongest and most successful ways of doing it. Why do you persist in helping them at their work?
Both you and Smith display a contemptuous attitude for organized religion. You appear to never say anything positive about Jesus Christ and the Christian Religion. Smith sent me a most vile email when I questioned his praising of a deceased French priest who got all kinds of positive press eulogies. Of course, the media loved him for his heretical ideas including the approval of homosexual behavior.
Smith in his rant today in referring to Christopher Bollyn said, "We had a snake amongst our midst and we didn't even know it." He also said, "I do not wish Christopher Bollyn well." This latter statement is of particular note. In the Lord's prayer we recite:
"...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
True love for a Christian consists in desiring that all people, regardless of whether they are our best friends or our worst enemies, gain heaven. I would ask Mr. Smith if he desires that Christopher Bollyn go to hell or that he one day goes to heaven. His statement about not wishing Mr. Bollyn well is very troubling, but unfortunately not surprising.
I am not implying in any way that Mr. Bollyn has trespassed against Mr. Smith in any way, but even if he had, the contempt that Smith shows in his words is certainly not in any sense Christian, not that I am trying to say that Smith makes any claim to being a Christian. Nevertheless, it would be reasonable to ask if Smith does not wish Bollyn well does he wish him evil.
What say ye, Mr. Smith? Is it the same as what a Talmudic Zionist would wish for Mr. Bollyn?
James B. Phillips
Photo: Christopher Bollyn (on left) with the person known as "Daryl Bradford Smith" at his hideout in central France. This photo was taken the morning after Thanksgiving 2005 when Bollyn and his family visited Smith, at his request. Bollyn was not inclined to visit Smith but at his request and with funding provided by Eric Hufschmid, the Bollyn family travelled across France to a remote village to visit Smith.
Immediately after the visit, Smith, who was then working for Genesis Communications Network and John Stadtmiller, began spreading vicious and malicious rumors about Bollyn and his family. Smith said that Bollyn was drunk and shouting "Heil Hitler" and singing the German anthem, etc.
He has recently repeated these lies and added to them on his "rant" posted on The French Connection. I will address this rant and set the record straight in the coming days on www.bollyn.com.
"Slam Bollyn Every Way You Can" - Daryl B. Smith
December 9, 2007
Understanding the Purpose and Methods of Defamation
Daryl Bradford Smith Reveals Himself as an Agent
and Threatens to Kill Eric Hufschmid
By Christopher Bollyn
Daryl Bradford Smith of The French Connection has certainly never been an associate or friend of mine. I met him only once, at Thanksgiving 2005, when we visited him, at his request, at his house in rural central France. Smith raised our suspicions right away. We were both uncomfortable being around him, Helje could not sleep a wink in his very dismal house, and we left as soon as possible.
Daryl Bradford Smith, the agent, a.k.a. Daryl B. Setters
Daryl B. Setters has a string of narcotics violations involving possession of needles and syringes in Rhode Island, including a felony conviction. After more than a decade, Setters' (a.k.a. Smith) court charges were paid off by an unknown party on January 7, 2005 - exactly the month he became engaged in the 9-11 discussion as a radio host. Who paid off Smith's court costs and fines? Who does he really work for?
He had repeatedly invited us and was quite adamant that we come, although it was not at all convenient. I had been at the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels, and Daryl and Eric Hufschmid wanted me to visit Smith in central France. I decided that it was too expensive and told them that the connections were non-existent. Hufschmid then wired me the funds to make the trip because he was also very adamant that I meet Smith.
The French trains were going on strike and the only possible way to get to the village in rural France where Smith lives was to drive. We traveled south across Germany and Switzerland and I rented a car in Geneva in order to drive west across the mountains and through Moulins to get to his remote rural location.
After meeting Smith, I repeatedly warned Hufschmid that this person clearly could not be trusted. It was obvious. Shortly after that Thanksgiving 2005 visit, Smith was already spreading malicious slander about me to somebody in Canada. It was very clear that Smith had an agenda from the beginning -- to defame me and attack my credibility. I had no idea who he was working for, but he definitely was not a truth seeker and was clearly working against me.
During the summer of 2007, Smith completely revealed himself as an agent and articulated that his mission was to defame me and destroy my credibility in any way he could. After he went on his vicious attack, he tried to get Eric Hufschmid to support him and join the defamation campaign against me. Hufschmid resisted.
Eric recorded several of the phone calls in which Smith demanded that Hufschmid attack me. Smith made several clear threats on the life of Hufschmid and was evidently unaware that he was being recorded.
Hufschmid has written about this and posted links to Smith's criminal record – and the mysterious pay off that was made to clear Smith's record in January 2007:
See: "Why don't I work with Smith any longer?" Eric Hufschmid, 21 Oct 2007
Daryl B. Smith, a.k.a. Daryl B. Setters, arrest record
Note of Warning: The complete transcripts have been posted on a website of unknown authorship called "Take Our World Back." The entire recorded conversations have been transcribed, but this website is clearly a broker of defamation, much of it coming from Michael Collins Piper -- which I will deal with shortly. Be forewarned that this is not a known source and that Daryl B. Smith uses extremely foul and violent language a great deal.
With this warning given, the online transcripts can be read at:
By reading these transcripts the public can get an idea of how orders are given to these lower-level disinformation agents and how they are given. Their orders are usually forcefully given and are accompanied by threats of extreme violence.
I am now aware of three of these agents, and all three are drug addicts or have histories of hard drug abuse, and we are not talking about smoking marijuana. It appears that the agencies use these people and exploit their weaknesses to force them to comply.
Smith reveals in these calls to Hufschmid that he has a criminal record and that he is ready to kill Eric if he does not do as he is told. Such threats certainly leave an impression. Hufschmid had undoubtedly been affected by such repeated threats against his life.
What have I done to deserve such defamation? Smith's attack against me gives the public some idea what kind of directives have been given from the top on how to defame and discredit me. There is a method to this madness, and Smith reveals some of these methods: attack my child, say that I am a lunatic and a child abuser, etc.
I am posting this very unpleasant material because, in the coming days and weeks, I will be addressing the defamation campaign and exposing the people behind the vicious defamation I have been subjected to. Defamation reveals more about those who are behind it than it does about the person being defamed, in this case me.
The following are a few excerpts from the transcripts. DBS is Daryl Smith, a.k.a. Daryl Setters; EH is Eric Hufschmid. I have cleaned up the language, which is spelled out in the complete transcript:
DBS: Well, here's a deal. And this is between you and me, because we've been doing this a long time together. You have to come out and, and slam Bollyn every way you can, in my, in support of me. Every way you can. No compromise. If you don't, I want parting from our, from our relationship.
EH: But what do you mean, slam him?
DBS: I, whatever the f--k you need to do to make this son-of-a--- be crippled by the s--t he's doing. I'm talking about a full court press on this guy. I'm talking about whatever it is you know about him, whatever it is you can say about him, whatever it is you can do about him, you need to do now. And if you can't do that, Eric, we gotta go. I gotta go.
EH: But wait a minute...
DBS: No wait a minute. I'm telling you. It's not a wait a minute. There's no wait a minute. I'm not waiting for you to answer, you, you son-of-a----. Listen to me. This is a one-way conversation. One way. I don't wanna hear what you got to say. You fight for me, or get the f--k outta my life.
EH: Well how do I fight for you? I don't understand.
DBS: You start telling the world that this guy's got a sick f--k--g kid, that he stayed in your house as a weirdo, that this prick was all f---d up, that I called you and said what I said. Start supporting me. I'm getting f---g hammered out there.
EH: Where? I don't even....snip….
EH: But how do I respond? What has he done? He only just put a picture up.
DBS: He's lied about every g-d d--n thing. This f--king guy, I want you to come out and say his son's sick. You were in your house. He's a weirdo.
EH: I can't...
DBS: Like Bollyn is mentally f--king ill.
EH: What? What am I...?
DBS: G-d d--n it, Smith is right, f--king Eric. That's what I want, f--ker. Wake up, wake the f--k up. It's me here, and if you f--k me, I know where you live, you prick. You understand me?
DBS: Yeah, I'm not yelling, you dude. You are, you have to hear this. So just listen, please.
EH: Alright.
DBS: Unless and until we can get this straightened out, Eric, this battle is not bullshit here. We got a f--king war going on, and I need either your full support, or none. And either you're gonna do what we need to get done here, or you need to relinquish what, what control you have of the website. And that's the bottom line. The fight is here, this is it. And Bollyn has been f--king me, and there's more than that going on right now. The simple truth of the matter is that this is full-scale war, and unless and until we do more about it, we're lost. Now, you can, you can say that you, you know, you didn't or you couldn't or what, doesn't matter. The fact is, let's put your prognostications on the side, and say what we need to do. The fact is, we're not doing shit about anything, and nobody's supporting me, and nobody's fighting for me, and you haven't put a single article up in my support, and I need that. You haven't put a single document up, you haven't said that Bollyn's kid was a f--king lunatic. This, look, I didn't go as far as saying that in my house, Bollyn's kid was hearing voices, and there were ghosts he thought that were in my room and that they were talking to him. I didn't say that because I have some comportment about children. But this man, doesn't give a f--k about kids so much, that he will drag that f--king kid from hotel room to hotel room, and tell him the ghosts are in his head, and not get him help. And you better not do anything to support him. Not a f--king word. D'you understand me, Eric?
EH: Well yeah...
DBS: Understand what I'm coming from?
EH: Yeah, but I don't know about the kids and the ghosts, I...
DBS: I'm telling you, this kid is f--ked up, and I'm...
EH: Yeah but, but let's say I say something. How does that help you if I say that his kid has problems? I don't understand, how does it...?
DBS: It's a hundred percent support for your partner, dude.
EH: But to say something about his kid, I, I never saw...
DBS: No. It doesn't matter about the kid. That's one element. There's a million elements in there. How 'bout the size of the car? How 'bout the fact that, that, that...
EH: But I never saw the car, I cannot, what am I supposed to say...?
DBS: It's in the picture, Eric.
EH: But what do I say, what do I say, you want me to say something?
DBS: Yes. That the car was bizarre because he, see he's coming out on his website, saying that it's a small car, but the fact is it's a full size car in France.
EH: Alright, shall I say that, now...?
DBS: Yeah, d'you want me to baby-sit you through this or what?
EH: But, but, you're see, but I mean like, to me, I don't, you're saying that you want me to say this?
DBS: I don't want you ever to speak to that c--ks--ker again.
EH: He doesn't, hasn't called for, oh, months...
DBS: Yeah, but you know what, Eric...?
EH: How do you know that...?
DBS: That you got emails the other day, you got emails yesterday.
EH: That's right, I sent him an email to see if he'd respond, and he did respond.
DBS: Yeah, well here's a response: 'F--k you, you c--ks--king lying son-of-a-b--ch motherf--ker.' And how about a response to this guy Phillips' bullshit?
DBS: You don't say that. I'm 'just some voice on the phone', Eric.
EH: Well, yeah, but if you tell me what not to say, well...
DBS: Don't say that, ya dope. And anything like that. Because you're not that stupid. That's a f--king slander, man.
EH: You're on your own show.
DBS: That is a slander.
EH: It is not.
DBS: I'm 'just some voice on the goddamn phone'. You say something like that again man, and I'm gonna tell you something. I will fly to America, and I'll show up at your front door.
EH: Oh, come on.
DBS: You won't f--king like it. I'll shake you around like a rag doll. [Eric laughs.] You don't even know me man. You know something? Check my f--king criminal record. I'll grab you by the neck, Eric. You f--k me like this again and you're in trouble with me. You understand me?
EH: That isn't hurting you....
DBS: This isn't a threat. This is a promise to you, ya prick.
EH: I said it, I said it to Bollyn. Who heard it?
"I am your worst f--king nightmare"
DBS: And I'm telling ya something else man.
EH: What?
DBS: You f--k me, I will show up at your front door and I am your worst f--king nightmare. Don't you f--k me.
DBS: Eric, don't start that shit. You're my partner you f--king moron. You ever pull something like this again, I swear to God...
EH: You said you don't even...
DBS: ...I swear to my father, on my father's soul, I will show up at your door and I will wring your f--king neck.
EH: On your...
DBS: And I'm talking about, I'm talking about decapitating you, ya prick.
EH: On your own show, though...
DBS: Yeah, you don't, you f--king don't. You've left me hanging out here, and you're telling Bollyn shit.
EH: You're...
DBS: I will f--k you up man, and him.
EH: You're fighting with him 'cos you want to, I'm not...
DBS: Look Eric, I don't give a f--k about prison. You have to understand something you little bastard, I don't give a f--k about f--king blowing your brains out. And you better get your head outta your ass, and I know where the f--k you are. And you'd better pull your f--king head outta your ass, because if you piss me off I will show up at your front door and kill your f--king ass. You understand me? This ain't a f--king threat, this is a promise to you, ya prick. 'Cos I'll spend the rest of my life in jail, I got no problem with that. You f--k me like this again, I will kill you. D'you understand me. And I'm telling you that straight to your f--king head. Send those codes to my f--king in box, and get the f--k off my back. D'you understand?
EH: All right. Sure.
Daryl was ordering Eric to do what he, in turn, had been told to do, i.e. to "slam Bollyn every way you can." Smith clearly spells it out what Eric had to do: "You start telling the world that this guy's got a sick f--k--g kid, that he stayed in your house as a weirdo, that this prick was all f---d up…"
This is exactly what Smith tried to do when he aired his vicious and slanderous rant about my visit to his house on Thanksgiving 2005. I responded to Smith's slander in an article entitled Bollyn Responds to Final Message of Daryl B. Smith on September 7, 2007. I will be addressing a similar defamation rant originating from Michael Collins Piper of American Free Press, a.k.a. Michael Bernard Piper, in the coming days.
Portraits of the Fallen Note
January 26, 2010
This is a note to let my readers know that I am certainly not in Chicago or the United States as some rumors suggest. I have not been held or kidnapped by anyone at anytime nor have I flown anywhere since June 2007. They have taken all the fun out of flying so I prefer to travel by train and ship (and bicycle whenever possible).
I am planning to organize my website to make it more user friendly and hope to get my book (currently available only online), Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, published this year. I also hope I can arrange an event in the near future about "Understanding and Surviving the War on Terror," which could be done on video for viewing as a podcast. It would be a great way to respond to some questions from readers and callers.
A reader from India, for example, wrote to me about my recent comments about having met then U.S. Representative Leon E. Panetta when he was a congressman from the Monterey Bay area. I met Mr. Panetta briefly when he participated in events at the University of California at Santa Cruz about the Middle East. I was studying history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the time and engaged him in the political questions surrounding this problem. The fact that I have met Mr. Panetta does not mean that I support him or his politics.

Leon E. Panetta was appointed Director of the C.I.A. by Barack Obama. The C.I.A. has killed hundreds of civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan using un-manned drones firing Hellfire missiles. This makes Panetta complicit in acts of terrorism.
Leon Panetta is the current director of the C.I.A. and was Bill Clinton's chief of staff. I am of the opinion that C.I.A. attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan using Hellfire missiles launched from un-manned drones are, in fact, state-sponsored terrorism. Bombing civilians in a nation that the U.S. is not at war with is terrorism. Panetta, as the director of the C.I.A., is directly responsible for this state-sponsored terrorism, which would make him a terrorist.
Finally, I highly recommend viewing the short video piece, an audio slideshow, made by the BBC entitled "Portraits of the fallen". This very short slideshow gives the viewer a very personal view of the tragic loss of life suffered by American, Canadian, and British families who have lost loved ones in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Every soldier who is killed or wounded in these horrendous wars has a family that is devastated by their loss. This remarkable slideshow can be viewed here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/8471873.stm
Webster Tarpley's Disinfo
January 20, 2010
A reader sent me a link to a YouTube video of Webster Tarpley being interviewed on Russia Today (RT) television on December 29 about the false-flag "attempted terror" attack that occurred on Christmas Day on Delta's Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to Detroit. The video is interesting because it shows how Tarpley lies to protect Israel and the Mossad by putting the blame for the attempted bombing on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is currently headed by Leon E. Panetta, a man I have met on several occasions when he was my Congressman for the Monterey Bay area of California.
Webster Tarpley spews his usual disinformation when he says that Al Qaida in Yemen is "a creation wholly of the U.S. intelligence agencies." Who exactly is Tarpley protecting with these lies and who is he really serving?
I happen to know something about Webster Tarpley, having been part of the same four-man panel during Jimmy Walter's 9-11 Truth Tour in Europe in the summer of 2005. During the tour Tarpley put the blame for 9-11 on a nebulous group that he never actually identified but one would infer was tied to NATO and the CIA. Tarpley, like all the other panelists on the tour, never mentioned any Israeli or Zionist role in 9-11. My speech, on the other hand, focused on the real evidence that 9-11 was an Israeli false-flag terror atrocity designed to start the "War on Terror" and change the face of America. Finally, in Rome, in the presence of journalist Maurizio Blondet and others, I asked Mr. Tarpley why he insisted on blaming nebulous U.S. entities, without providing any evidence, while avoiding the real evidence of Israeli/Mossad involvement in the terror attacks of 9-11?

Tarpley blames the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 on U.S. intelligence, as can be seen from the cover of his book. He carefully avoids the abundant evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 and the "War on Terror", which is a Zionist-designed conflict pushed by the current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the mid-1980s.
In the RT video about Al Qaida in Yemen, Mr. Tarpley provides the same faulty logic and avoids any mention of Israeli intelligence, which has carried out large-scale operations in Yemen since 1949.
Here are the relevant quotes from Tarpley on RT television:
"Al Qaida, of course, is functioning, as always, as the CIA Arab-Islamic legion."
(Note the use of affirmative phrases to bolster his lie.)
"Al Qaida in the Arab Peninsula is a creation wholly of the U.S. intelligence agencies."
[The Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallab] is a "protected patsy", according to Tarpley, "an asset controlled by U.S. intelligence."
Webster Tarpley and his wife, the former Leah J. Peltier, live in the Washington, D.C. area. Leah is 17 years younger than Webster and reportedly a high school drop-out who only obtained a college degree in 2009. She has been with Tarpley since his days with the Lyndon LaRouche movement in the early 1990s. Her lack of real estate expertise or education notwithstanding, Leah is the Executive Vice President of Operations at the Washington D.C. office for the privately-owned Cresa Partners LLC, where she has worked only since 2007.
Leah Tarpley works under Gene S. Sachs, a "managing principal" and member of the board of directors of the Boston-based company. Leah is not the only Tarpley working for Mr. Sachs. Chloe Tarpley is also listed as an administrator in his firm. Chloe, who has only worked for Cresa Partners since May of 2008, is Webster Tarpley's daughter. Her biological father is Joseph Peltier, who said that her mother was a high school drop-out who got involved with Tarpley through the Larouche movement.

Chloe Peltier (Tarpley)
(Source: Facebook)
It is interesting to note that the Tarpley women work for the preferred agent of one of the world's largest defense contractors. Mr. Sachs' biggest client is BAE Systems North America. Sachs has completed more than 275 assignments for BAE in twenty states of the United States in the past five years. BAE Systems is the world's third largest defense contractor and Britain's leading aerospace/defense company.
In the company's own words:
BAE Systems Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of BAE Systems plc, an international company engaged in the development, delivery and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air, on land, at sea and in space. Headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, BAE Systems, Inc. employs some 45,000 employees in the US, UK, Sweden, Israel and South Africa generating annual sales in excess of $10 billion. BAE Systems Inc. consists of three operating groups that provide support and service solutions for current and future defense, intelligence, and civilian systems; design, develop and manufacture a wide range of electronic systems and subsystems for both military and commercial applications; and design, develop, produce, and provide service support of armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and intelligent munitions.

BAE's "Typhoon" is just one of the many war-fighting systems made by the British weapons giant.
Sachs has been the preferred real estate provider for BAE Systems NA since 2000 and manages some 18.5 million square feet of property for the sprawling British defense contractor. He is also the Treasurer of CresaPartners in Washington, according to Hoover's, so with two members of the Tarpley family working in his office, we can see that Mr. Sachs has a significant influence over the income flow for the Tarpley household.

Leah Tarpley works for Gene S. Sachs at the Washington office of CresaPartners LLC.

Gene S. Sachs, Managing Principal of CresaPartners LLC and preferred agent for the British defense giant BAE Systems, is Mrs. Tarpley's boss and paymaster.
If Mr. Tarpley has any solid evidence that Al Qaida in Yemen is, in fact, "a creation wholly of U.S. intelligence agencies" he should bring this information to the attention of the U.S. government and Leon E. Panetta, the Director of the CIA. Mr. Tarpley should explain who controls Al Qaida in Yemen, which he says is "functioning, as always, as the CIA Arab-Islamic legion." Pray tell Mr. Tarpley, which part of the CIA is running Al Qaida in Yemen? Is it under the direction of Mr. Panetta or is it a rogue outfit of the agency?
Mr. Tarpley should be asked if the CIA was running Al Qaida in Yemen when the USS Cole was bombed in 2000, an attack that killed 17 sailors and wounded 39 others. Perhaps Mr. Tarpley can explain the logic of why the CIA would attack a U.S. Navy ship in Yemen.

The bombed USS Cole looked very much like the USS Liberty after Israel bombed it in 1967. If "Al Qaida" in Yemen is really "controlled by U.S. intelligence," as Webster Tarpley says, he should explain why they would bomb their own ship. He should present his evidence to the U.S. government and Director of the CIA, if he has any.
Tarpley mentions that the Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallab flew through Amsterdam but he doesn't mention the conspicuous fact that security for both Schiphol Airport and Delta Airlines is provided by the Mossad-run company, International Consultants on Targeted Security -- the same company that provided passenger screening services at the crucial airports on 9-11.
So who is Webster Tarpley really serving with his disinformation?

Christopher Bollyn with Italian 9-11 journalist Maurizio Blondet at the Excelsior Hotel in Rome in June 2005 after asking Webster Tarpley why he avoided any discussion of Israeli involvement in 9-11.
The Big Lie and Paradigms of Deceit
January 6, 2010
The following essay, entitled "The Paradigms of Deceit," is written by a Danish friend and supporter named Kaj Krinsmøe. It is an excellent explanation of the well known propaganda tactic used to shape public opinion, described and employed by Adolf Hitler as "The Great Lie" or "Colossal Untruth" -- and how the Great Lie is currently being used by our corrupt political leaders and the Zionist-controlled media on the people of North America and Europe. The "colossal untruths" of our time are the government and media lies about the events of 9-11, Islamic terrorism and Afghanistan, global warming, and the Iranian nuclear threat. The Zionist deception known as the "War on Terror" is a complete fraud -- and an extremely expensive one at that.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”
- Adolf Hitler
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
- Joseph Goebbels
All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, where as in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. Schopenhauer called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.
Source: Mein Kampf from Jewish Virtual Library
* * *
Kaj Krinsmøe
The well known houses of Jewish finance were behind the promotion of Communism, Socialism, and the ensuing international political collusion. Today, this collusion has played out its role. It is defunct and the effects of international usury are becoming more and more visible to people whose awareness has emerged from the chaos of the Western mass media’s “cognitive dissonance”.
It is against this background that Prince Charles’ mission against "global warming" must be seen. "The Green Prince" is a front for the usurers in the “City of London", whose usurious credit regime is traditionally called The Great Red Dragon. Prince Charles’ Green scam is a front for international usury and for their newly devised “Carbon Trading” scheme, which could possibly be more lucrative for the Shylocks in the City than usury has been. And this devious collusion is also hijacking sane organic farming to serve its deceptive purpose.

Prince Charles, wearing "the Royal Yarmulka," attends the opening of the Jewish Community Centre on April 29, 2008 in Krakow, Poland.
Thousands of Americans have begun to realize that it is the predatory usury of Wall Street in recent years that has caused the recession of their economic circumstances. Usurious credit, not capitalism, is the evil that has subverted their nation.
The confusion about the so-called "global warming" issue is an example of how the mass media cultivates the paradigms on which it thrives and through which it channels and stereotypes the debate. Indeed, the mass media cultivates the illusions that support collusion. After all, there is no evidence that global warming is actually caused by carbon emissions. On the contrary, there is scientific evidence that it is cosmic radiation that is influencing the sun’s magnetism, which is the cause of the warming period we now experience. The usurers in the City have sent Prince Charles on an international mission much the same as when they sent Karl Marx on his anti-capital mission, behind which usury flourished luxuriously.
Another example of the phenomenal confusion disseminated by the Western mass media is the issue of Iran’s development of atomic power. Without any evidence Iran is accused of wanting to develop atomic weapons! But what is the real issue?

"We are also mindful of the fact that the nuclear weapons in Iran and the nuclearization of that whole region is a threat to that country, all countries in the region, and the world. And we have to address that. We can't let that lie."
David Axelrod, President Obama's Senior Political Advisor, using the "great lie" on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," June 28, 2009
The facts are that Iran is rich in resources. It has large deposits of uranium, oil, and natural gas. Compared to this, what does Israel have? Nothing. In fact, Israel does not even have enough water without stealing water from its neighbors.
The entire scam is to frustrate Iran from developing atomic power. To do this it needs to develop the cycle of refining uranium to a few degrees purity to power its reactors. When a country has more than a few atomic power stations it is uneconomical to buy refined uranium, especially when it has a lot of it in the ground. With atomic power Iran could sell more oil and natural gas to buy industrial technology and raise the living standard of its people. But where in the Western so-called free press can you read analysis of this simple issue?
The hectic international debate is transacted on the basis of lying paradigms. Political leaders in China and Russia could possibly try to correct this, but they don’t! This is because they know that the Western Illuminati media have the ears of the deluded majority. These mass media call the shots as to what is to be believed and not to be believed.
The day before the election in Iran, on June 12, 2009, the New York Times published that Mir Hussein Moussavi would win with 54 percent of the vote. Where did they get this information from? From a Twitter opinion poll. Who in Iran has access to Twitter? Only a handful of youths in Northern Tehran, the wealthy quarter of the Iranian capital. Most of the media whores in the West have not disputed this extreme falsehood. Even well informed commentators “trade” on this false parameter. Indeed, the Western media is characterized by whoredom, and here is a blatant example of it. Maybe Moussavi was hijacked by the Western media. But he continues to play on this lying myth, that the “election was stolen," and a lot of gullible young Iranians believe it.
If Israel attacks Iran it will set Iran’s atomic project back somewhat. But Iran will amply survive it. But for the Golems who are running the Zionist state of Israel the international repercussions will be crippling. It will release a pent-up resentment against the Zionist state that may be fatal for the Zionist regime, but not necessarily for the State of Israel.
It is improbable that such a scenario is not well understood in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran. Indeed, this would rid the international community of a very troublesome player.
The disproportionate influence in Washington of the Jewish Zionists is not popular. In fact, it is as over-stretched as U.S. imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Prince Charles, wearing his yarmulke, and his wife Camilla light the menorah as they celebrate Hanukah, the Jewish festival of light, at Hendon Hall on December 12, 2007 in London, England.
January 3, 2010
Sources and recommended reading:
Hitler On The Big Lie, Mein Kampf, Jewish Virtual Library
The Green Prince and the Climate Scam, Von Mark Steyn,
Charles puts staff on bikes in bid to become 'green prince', Evening Standard, November 11, 2006
Graphic of Hitler and others from Barry's Stuff
The Global Warming Fraud and Ben Bernanke
December 19, 2009
The Copenhagen "global warming" summit ended with local temps between -6 to -9 C (21-14 F) with a frigid wind coming from Sweden where temperatures were even colder, between -10 to -25 C (14 to -13 F)
(I hope they remembered their long underwear)

Danish police dealt severely with protesters...

as Al Gore, looking rather ill, desperately pushed the globalist agenda.
Manipulated climate data and a wise call for a U.S. boycott -
"Climate-gate," as the e-mails and other documents from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia have become known, exposes a highly politicized scientific circle -- the same circle whose work underlies efforts at the Copenhagen climate change conference. The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won't change the weather, but they would change our economy for the worse...
The last thing America needs is misguided legislation that will raise taxes and cost jobs - particularly when the push for such legislation rests on agenda-driven science. Without trustworthy science and with so much at stake, Americans should be wary about what comes out of this politicized conference. The president should boycott Copenhagen.
- Sarah Palin, "Copenhagen's political science", December 9, 2009
Are Maurice Strong, Al Gore, and the globalists trying to hijack public policy?
"Global Warming: It is a hoax. It is bad science. It is hijacking public policy. It is the greatest scam in history."
- John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of the Weather Channel
How can Deutsche Bank's asset manager know that global warming will cause the extinction of the human race? Is he also a scientist?
“People often ask about the costs. But the figures people tend to cite don’t take into account conservation and efficiency measures that are easily available. And they don’t look at the cost of inaction, which is the extinction of the human race. Period.”
- Kevin Parker, Global Head of Deutsche Bank Asset Management
The effects of a repricing of carbon will be profound. Carbon will take its place alongside oil, coal and gas as one of the most closely followed commodities in the world. This will mark the beginning of externalities at last being priced into the cost of production. It will signal that carbon emitters have had a free ride for long enough. Governments, the United States in particular, will have to join Europe to create a global market for pricing carbon and businesses around the world will have to accept the price the market sets.
- Kevin Parker, "Carbon emitters’ free ride is about to end," July 16, 2008
Question of the Day: Are "Chemtrails" Meant to Raise Local Temps to Bolster the Global Warming Agenda? That certainly seems to be the case.
As global warming fanatics converged in Copenhagen to try to push through their globalist agenda, the population of the western United States braced for record-low temperatures and extreme snow conditions. The extreme cold in the West brought most unusual snow to low elevations around the San Francisco Bay area. The early arrival of winter resulted in record low temperatures on December 5, with 200 record low temperatures set in 17 states across the United States. Cold weather is expected in Copenhagen on Friday. They will be hoping for global warming when Obama gets there.

Snow covered the hills around San Francisco and Los Angeles...

...as Hollywood saw snow on December 8...

...and the deer enjoyed the snow in the hills of San Jose.
Californians shivered in Redding where record low temperatures dipped to 16 degrees F (-8 C) on December 9. The Sacramento Valley saw bitter cold on December 8 with only 19 degrees F (-7 C) in Red Bluff and 23 degrees F (-5 C) in Sacramento. The same cold front brought 20 inches of snow to Flagstaff, Arizona, more than four times the record of 5 inches set in 1956.
Is "global warming" a real problem or a scam? Profesional meteorologists like John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, will tell you it is nothing but a huge scam to set up a global carbon tax. The controlled media, on the other hand, crank out a never-ending stream of articles warning of global catastrophe caused by man's use of fossil fuels. I stopped reading the Guardian Weekly (UK) because it had become nothing more than a propaganda sheet for the "global warming" crowd.
This is the key point about the controlled media and the "global warming" scare. The same controlled media outlets that are promoting this doomsday hoax are the same ones who have lied to the public for more than eight years about what really happened on 9-11 - and why the U.S. invaded Afghanistan. These are the same people running the same propaganda networks and newspapers, e.g. The New York Times, who published blatantly false stories about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction in order to get U.S. public opinion to support their pre-planned illegal invasion and occupation. These people have a proven record of using deceit and lies to push a criminal agenda.
We now read that Ben Shalom Bernanke is man of the year for TIME magazine, a key outlet of the Zionist-controlled press in the United States. TIME has a slide show of Ben Bernanke growing up in Dillon, South Carolina. One picture shows a young Ben and says he waited tables at Alan Heller Schafer's sprawling roadside gambling and drinking establishment on Interstate 95 called "South of the Border." What TIME won't tell you is that Schafer, Bernanke's boss for many years, was the long-standing chairman of the Democratic Party in Dillon County who ran the "state's smoothest-running political machine" - by buying votes - since 1966. It certainly was not "working class values" that Bernanke learned from his local Jewish crime boss. To find out more about Bernanke's ties to the Jewish crime boss of South Carolina, I recommend my article, "The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street."

Ben Bernanke worked for Alan Schafer for years.
TIME magazine says that Bernanke spent summers waiting tables at the South of the Border tourist trap, experiences that helped him appreciate working class values. What it doesn't tell you is that the man he worked for and who taught him those "working class values" was the crime boss of Dillon, South Carolina.

TIME magazine doesn't tell you that Alan Schafer, Ben's mentor and boss, went to prison for stealing elections.
The man who chose Bernanke to be man of the year, and who kept the serious crimes of Alan Schafer out of the story, is the managing editor of TIME magazine, Richard Stengel.

Richard Stengel, Managing Editor of TIME
Stengel also happens to be a close friend of the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Alan Greenspan, and his journalist wife Andrea Mitchell. Here Stengel and Mitchell pose during TIME's cocktail party on May 8, 2009 in Washington, DC.

What a small world it is at the top. Everybody seems to know everyone else.
The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam
By John Coleman
February 11, 2009
The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax us citizens for our carbon footprints. Only two details stand in the way: the faltering economic times and a dramatic turn toward a colder climate. The last two bitter winters have led to a rise in public awareness that there is no runaway global warming. A majority of American citizens are now becoming skeptical of the claim that our carbon footprints, resulting from our use of fossil fuels, are going to lead to climatic calamities. But governments are not yet listening to the citizens.
How did we ever get to this point where bad science is driving big government to punish the citizens for living the good life that fossil fuels provide for us?
The story begins with an Oceanographer named Roger Revelle. He served with the Navy in World War II. After the war he became the Director of the Scripps Oceanographic Institute in La Jolla in San Diego, California. Revelle obtained major funding from the Navy to do measurements and research on the ocean around the Pacific Atolls where the US military was conducting post war atomic bomb tests. He greatly expanded the Institute's areas of interest and among others hired Hans Suess, a noted Chemist from the University of Chicago. Suess was very interested in the traces of carbon in the environment from the burning of fossil fuels. Revelle co-authored a scientific paper with Suess in 1957—a paper that raised the possibility that the atmospheric carbon dioxide might be creating a greenhouse effect and causing atmospheric warming. The thrust of the paper was a plea for funding for more studies. Funding, frankly, is where Revelle's mind was most of the time.
Next Revelle hired a Geochemist named David Keeling to devise a way to measure the atmospheric content of Carbon dioxide. In 1958 Keeling published his first paper showing the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and linking the increase to the burning of fossil fuels. These two research papers became the bedrock of the science of global warming, even though they offered no proof that carbon dioxide was in fact a greenhouse gas. In addition they failed to explain how this trace gas, only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere, could have any significant impact on temperatures.
Back in the1950s, when this was going on, our cities were entrapped in a pall of pollution left by the crude internal combustion engines and poorly refined gasoline that powered cars and trucks back then, and from the uncontrolled emissions from power plants and factories. There was a valid and serious concern about the health consequences of this pollution. As a result a strong environmental movement was developing to demand action.
Government heard that outcry and set new environmental standards. Scientists and engineers came to the rescue. New reformulated fuels were developed, as were new high tech, computer controlled, fuel injection engines and catalytic converters. By the mid seventies cars were no longer significant polluters, emitting only some carbon dioxide and water vapor from their tail pipes. New fuel processing and smoke stack scrubbers were added to industrial and power plants and their emissions were greatly reduced as well.
But an environmental movement had been established and its funding and very existence depended on having a continuing crisis issue. Roger Revelle’s research at the Scripps Institute had tricked a wave of scientific inquiry. So the concept of uncontrollable atmospheric warming from the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels became the cornerstone issue of the environmental movement. Automobiles and power planets became the prime targets.
Revelle and Keeling used this new alarmism to keep their funding growing. Other researchers with environmental motivations and a hunger for funding saw this developing and climbed aboard as well. The research grants flowed and alarming hypotheses began to show up everywhere.
The Keeling curve continues to show a steady rise in CO2 in the atmosphere during the period since oil and coal were discovered and used by man. Carbon dioxide has increased from the 1958 reading of 315 to 385 parts per million in 2008. But, despite the increases, it is still only a trace gas in the atmosphere. The percentage of the atmosphere that is CO2 remains tiny, about 3.8 hundredths of one percent by volume and 41 hundredths of one percent by weight. And, by the way, only a fraction of that fraction is from mankind’s use of fossil fuels. The best estimate is that atmospheric CO2 is 75 percent natural and 25 percent the result of civilization.
Several hypotheses emerged in the 70s and 80s about how this tiny atmospheric component of CO2 might cause a significant warming. But they remained unproven. As years have passed, the scientists have kept reaching out for evidence of the warming and proof of their theories. And, the money and environmental claims kept on building up.
Back in the 1960s, this global warming research came to the attention of a Canadian born United Nation's bureaucrat named Maurice Strong. He was looking for issues he could use to fulfill his dream of one-world government. Strong organized a World Earth Day event in Stockholm, Sweden in 1970. From this he developed a committee of scientists, environmentalists and political operatives from the UN to continue a series of meetings.

"Agent of Her Majesty" Maurice Frederick Strong
Strong, the founding chairman of Petro-Canada (1976-78) and former chairman of Ontario Hydro (1992-95), both Crown Corporations, is "an agent of Her Majesty." In Canada, Crown corporations are wholly owned and operated by the Canadian monarch, Elizabeth II, as the corporation's sole shareholder. This follows the legal premise that the British Crown, as an institution, owns all the property of government at the federal and provincial level. As the Canadian Encyclopedia says, "A central rationale of crown corporations is that the commercial activities of government, to be performed successfully, must be shielded from government intervention and legislative oversight."
Strong developed the concept that the UN could demand payments from the advanced nations for the climatic damage from their burning of fossil fuels to benefit the underdeveloped nations—a sort of CO2 tax that would be the funding for his one-world government. But he needed more scientific evidence to support his primary thesis. So Strong championed the establishment of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC). This was not a pure, “climate study” scientific organization, as we have been led to believe. It was an organization of one-world government UN bureaucrats, environmental activists and environmentalist scientists who craved UN funding so they could produce the science they needed to stop the burning of fossil fuels.
Over the last 25 years the IPCC has been very effective. Hundreds of scientific papers, four major international meetings and reams of news stories about climatic Armageddon later, it has made its points to the satisfaction of most governments and even shared in a Nobel Peace Prize.
At the same time Maurice Strong was busy at the UN, things were getting a bit out of hand for the man who is now called the grandfather of global warming, Roger Revelle. He had been very politically active in the late 1950's as he worked to have the University of California locate a San Diego campus adjacent to Scripps Institute in La Jolla. He won that major war, but lost an all important battle afterward when he was passed over in the selection of the first Chancellor of the new campus.
He left Scripps finally in 1963 and moved to Harvard University to establish a Center for Population Studies. It was there that Revelle inspired one of his students. This student would say later, "It felt like such a privilege to be able to hear about the readouts from some of those measurements in a group of no more than a dozen undergraduates. Here was this teacher presenting something not years old but fresh out of the lab, with profound implications for our future!" The student described him as "a wonderful, visionary professor" who was "one of the first people in the academic community to sound the alarm on global warming." That student was Al Gore. He thought of Dr. Revelle as his mentor and referred to him frequently, relaying his experiences as a student in his book “Earth in the Balance,” published in 1992.
So there it is. Roger Revelle was indeed the grandfather of global warming. His work had laid the foundation for the UN IPCC, provided the anti-fossil fuel ammunition to the environmental movement and sent Al Gore on his road to his books, his movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” his Nobel Peace Prize and a hundred million dollars from the carbon credits business.
The global warming frenzy was becoming the cause célèbre of the media. After all, the media is mostly liberal, loves Al Gore, loves to warn us of impending disasters and tell us "the sky is falling, the sky is falling." The politicians and the environmentalist loved it, too.
But the tide was turning with Roger Revelle. He was forced out at Harvard at 65 and returned to California and a semi retirement position at UCSD. There he had time to rethink Carbon Dioxide and the greenhouse effect. The man who had inspired Al Gore and given the UN the basic research it needed to launch its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was having second thoughts. In 1988 he wrote two cautionary letters to members of Congress. He wrote, "My own personal belief is that we should wait another 10 or 20 years to really be convinced that the greenhouse effect is going to be important for human beings, in both positive and negative ways." He added, "…we should be careful not to arouse too much alarm until the rate and amount of warming becomes clearer."
And in 1991 Revelle teamed up with Chauncey Starr, founding director of the Electric Power Research Institute and Fred Singer, the first director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service, to write an article for Cosmos magazine. They urged more research and begged scientists and governments not to move too fast to curb greenhouse CO2 emissions because the true impact of carbon dioxide was not at all certain, and curbing the use of fossil fuels could have a huge, negative impact on the economy, jobs, and our standard of living. Considerable controversy still surrounds the authorship of this article. However, I have discussed this collaboration with Dr. Singer and he assures me that Revelle was considerably more certain than he was at the time that carbon dioxide was not a problem.
Did Roger Revelle attend the summer enclave at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California in 1990 while working on that article? Did he deliver a lakeside speech there to the assembled movers and shakers from Washington and Wall Street in which he apologized for sending the UN IPCC and Al Gore on this wild goose chase about global warming? Did he say that the key scientific conjecture of his lifetime had turned out wrong? The answer to those questions is, "Apparently.” People who were there have told me about that afternoon, but I have not located a transcript or a recording. People continue to share their memories with me on an informal basis. More evidence may be forthcoming.
Roger Revelle died of a heart attack three months after the Cosmos story was printed. Oh, how I wish he were still alive today. He might be able to stop this scientific silliness and end the global warming scam. He might well stand beside me as a global warming denier.
Al Gore has dismissed Roger Revelle’s mea culpa as the actions of a senile old man. The next year, while running for Vice President, he said the science behind global warming is settled and there will be no more debate. From 1992 until today, he and most of his cohorts have refused to debate global warming and when asked about us skeptics, they insult us and call us names.
As the science now stands, the global warming alarmist scientists say the climate is sensitive to a “radiative forcing” effect from atmospheric carbon dioxide which greatly magnifies its greenhouse effect on atmospheric warming. The only proof they can provide of this complex hypothesis is by running it in climate computer models. By starting the models in about 1980 they showed how the continuing increase in CO2 was step with a steady increase in average global temperatures in the 1980s and 1990’s and claim cause and effect. But, in fact, those last two decades of the 20th century were at the peak of a strong 24 year solar cycle, and the temperature increases actually may have been a result of the solar cycle together with related warm cycle ocean current patterns during that period.
That warming ended in 1998 and global temperatures (as measured by satellites) leveled off. Starting in 2002, computer models and reality have dramatically parted company. The models predicted temperatures and carbon dioxide would continue to rise in lock step, but in fact while the CO2 continues to rise, temperatures are in decline. Now global temperatures are in such a nose dive there is wide spread talk from climatologists about an impending ice age. In any case, the UN’s computer model “proof” has gone up in a poof.
Nonetheless, today we have the continued claim that carbon dioxide is the culprit of an uncontrollable, runaway man-made global warming. We are told that when we burn fossil fuels we are leaving a dastardly carbon footprint. And, we are told we must pay Al Gore or the environmentalists for this sinful footprint. Our governments on all levels are considering taxing the use of fossil fuels. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency is on the verge of naming CO2 as a pollutant and strictly regulating its use to protect our climate. The new President and the US Congress are on board. Many state governments are moving on the same course.
We are already suffering from this CO2 silliness in many ways. Our energy policy has been strictly hobbled by the prohibiting of new refineries and of drilling for decades. We pay for the shortage this has created every time we buy gas. On top of that, the whole issue of corn based ethanol costs us millions of tax dollars in subsidies, which also has driven up food prices. All of this is a long way from over.
Yet I am totally convinced there is no scientific basis for any of it.
Global Warming: It is a hoax. It is bad science. It is hijacking public policy. It is the greatest scam in history.
Originally written January 28, 2009 (Revised and edited February 11, 2009)
Sources and Recommended Reading:
European fraudsters steal $7B in carbon credit scam, CBC News, December 11, 2009
Bollyn, Christopher, "The Greatest Scam in History - Global Warming & The Controlled Press," November 13, 2007
Bollyn, The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street
Broder, John M., "Climate Deal Likely to Bear Big Price Tag," New York Times, December 8, 2009
Coleman, John, "The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam," February 11, 2009
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’, Icecap.us, November 11, 2007
Strong, Maurice Frederick and linked articles on Crown Corporations Petro-Canada and Ontario Hydro, The Canadian Encyclopedia
Sarah Palin, "Copenhagen's political science", Washington Post, December 9, 2009
Parker, Parker, "Carbon emitters’ free ride is about to end," Financial Times (U.K.) July 16, 2008
The Liberty Lobby's Mark Lane and the Jonestown Massacre
October 16, 2009
None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.
-Johann von Goethe
One of the reasons the American people are unable to resist the Zionist criminal network that controls the U.S. government and media is that the so-called patriotic movement is controlled by the same criminal network.
A supporter from Scotland often writes to me asking if I have heard Michael Piper's latest rant against me on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Three years after I was fired from American Free Press where I had submitted articles for six years as an independent contractor, Piper, who is one of that paper's key figures, is still attacking me. Why would Piper, who works for a newspaper that purports to be a publication for patriotic Americans, spend so much time attacking me and my 9-11 research? Who is paying him and ordering him to do this? To understand why Piper acts like a rabid dog requires a better understanding of what American Free Press really is -- and who is behind it.
Having raised the subject of the Jewish lawyer/C.I.A. agent Mark Lane and his key role in controlling the Liberty Lobby in my essay "Why Are We Unable to Resist?", the subject of American Free Press (AFP) being a controlled-opposition outfit came up during my October 6 show with R.J. Hender on Republic Broadcasting Network. A caller, "Daniel from Canada", asked if I would now agree that Michael Piper of AFP had been correct in his criticism of Eric Hufschmid. Piper then attacked me on his program on RBN, which led to this email from a listener.
I heard a host on RBN railing against you tonight in an incredibly vile manner. [Michael] Collins Piper, I believe, was his name. He was so nasty that right away I found myself sympathizing with you. Anyway, after he got to the gist of his attacks and mentioned that you had accused Mark Lane of being an agent, I was completely won over to you. I have known since 1977 that he was an agent and spent a few years telling anyone who might be interested of that fact. I would remind Collins Piper or anyone who doubts this is true, that Mr. Lane was in Jonestown (CIA mind control project) at the time of the massacre. He survived because he is very well connected to say the least. Keep up the good work.

Mark Lane, the Jewish lawyer and C.I.A. agent who owns Liberty Lobby and American Free Press, was born in New York City in 1927, the son of Harry Arnold and Elizabeth Levin (Levin was changed to Lane in the 1920s). Charles Garry, the principal lawyer for Jim Jones and his People's Temple movment, blamed Lane for the mass killing of 913 Americans in Jonestown in November 1978. Lane reportedly went to Switzerland with the business manager of Jonestown shortly after the mass killing and emptied Jones' secret bank accounts. The missing funds, estimated to be as much as $18 million, were never accounted for.

Some of the 914 American victims of Jim Jones' mind control project in Guyana

Michael Bernard Piper has worked for Mark Lane for many years.
It should be noted that Michael Piper, who brags about his Jewish ancestors and carries a portfolio from AIPAC, the Israeli lobby in Washington, lies a great deal and does so as a representative of Mark Lane and American Free Press. This behaviour is typical of people who have the backing of an agency like the C.I.A. behind them. Piper lies and slanders with impunity because he has what we call "a license to lie." Piper has been attacking me since December 2001 when I was invited to speak about 9-11 in Moscow. He continues his vicious attacks to this day. He is obviously being paid to do so. Why would a person like Piper be attacking me for my research on 9-11? Why did Piper work to keep me from speaking in Moscow in December 2001 and again at the American Free Press conference held in Washington two weeks after I was attacked and tortured with a TASER by a three-man undercover tactical squad at my home near Chicago?

Mark Lane (center) with Rev. Jim Jones (left) and Charles Garry in Jonestown shortly before the mass killing of some 914 Americans. Jones' "hand went to his mouth again and again" which his followers knew to be a sign that their leader was extremely nervous and stressed. The reason Jones was so stressed was because of the lies he was being told by Mark Lane, who was working to fuel Jones' paranoia. The lies and actions of Lane were seen by Garry as having directly triggered the mass killing in Jonestown. Why would Lane, a former agent of U.S. Army intelligence who knew very well of Jones' paranoia and his plans to kill everyone if threatened, do something like that? Why is Lane smiling with a devilish grin in this photo, taken on the eve of the massacre? (Photo by Jonestown victim Don Jackson from "Exclusive photos: Prelude to tragedy," Chicago Tribune, November 30, 1978)
In a 1979 panel discussion on "Cults and the Law" at the California Bar Association's convention in Los Angeles, Mr. Charles Garry, who was the principal attorney for Jim Jones and his organization, accused Mark Lane of being responsible for the mass deaths. He said Lane had played upon Jones' irrational fears of a United States Government plot against the Jones cult, provoking Mr. Jones into ordering the killings and suicides. "The person responsible was the catalyst," said Mr. Garry. "He may not be legally responsible, but he is morally."
In September 1978, unbeknownst to Garry, Lane visited Jim Jones and spoke to the residents of Jonestown, supporting Jones' theories and drawing parallels between Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jim Jones. Lane held press conferences stating that "none of the charges" against the People's Temple "are accurate or true." Lane fed Jones' fear and paranoia saying there was a "massive conspiracy" against the Temple by "intelligence organizations," naming the C.I.A., F.B.I., F.C.C., and even the U.S. Post Office.
Garry, the principal lawyer for the Peoples' Temple, had been with Lane at Jonestown during the massacre. According to Garry, Lane's devious duplicity was "the catalyst" that directly led to the massacre. Garry said that Lane, "behind my back, proceeded to, beginning in September [1978], when he was there, to tell them they were being persecuted. That the F.B.I. and the C.I.A., whatever, all the intelligence forces, were out to destroy them. And that he himself was going to be the person who was going to stop all of that." By reinforcing Jones' fears, Garry said, Lane contributed to an atmosphere in which the white night [pre-planned massacre/suicide] would occur.
Mark Lane visited Jonestown in September 1978, two months before Jim Jones took 913 of his followers to their gruesome end in the jungle of Guyana. Lane lavished praise on the mind control settlement and its paranoid leader. Lane told the mind-controlled subjects of Jonestown that they had found a better way of life in the jungle with Jones than they could have in the United States. Lane's speech to Jones and his followers from September 1978 was recorded and used in a 1981 National Public Radio (NPR) documentary about Jonestown entitled "Father Cares: The Last of Jonestown." Anthony Lewis wrote about Lane's visit and support of the Jonestown mind control project in a New York Times article entitled "Nightmare Brought to Life" in April 1981:
Two months before the Rev. Jim Jones took his followers to their gruesome end in 1978, Jones had a visitor from the United States who praised the settlement and its paranoid leader. People in the United States knew there had to be a better way of life, he said, "and it is here."
As the disciples murmured and applauded, the visitor said he had travelled in Guyana on a 19th-century train, a relic of colonialism. "And then you come here. And you just don't come up to the 20th century. You're in the future all of a sudden. It's a big move. And either this is the future or there won't be any."
It was Mark Lane speaking: the lawyer-promoter who has so relentlessly exploited American assassinations. We have come to know Lane over his years of grisly self-promotion. But it is still something to hear his voice praising Jonestown - and Jim Jones giggling in the background and saying, "That's so true."
James Reston Jr. visited Jonestown shortly after the massacre and found some nine hundred hours worth of audio tapes made by Jones of his speeches and interviews. Reston, who described Jones as "authentic evil" went on to write a book about Jonestown entitled Our Father Who Art in Hell. These tapes were used to produce the NPR documentary that Anthony Lewis wrote about. Lewis said that Lane's secret visit to Jonestown in September 1978 was a key factor of the "authentic evil":

Anthony Lewis of the New York Times wrote about Mark Lane's devilish character. Lane's devious duplicity with Jim Jones is seen by those who were there as having led directly to the massacre.
Less than one month after the mass killing, Lane reportedly travelled to Switzerland with Terri Buford, the business manager of Jonestown, "to remove the secret Zurich assets," according to Robert Havel, spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department. The secret funds, estimated to be as much as $18 million, were never accounted for. Lane denied he had removed the money, saying he had spent 5 days in Paris.
A few years after the massacre in Jonestown, Lane became the lawyer of Willis A. Carto and the so-called patriotic and anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby. The Liberty Lobby is patriotic in the same way that Jones and the People's Temple was a Christian church. To understand the true nature and real mission of American Free Press we need to examine Mark Lane's key role in running the Liberty Lobby. When we realize that Lane holds the key position as owner of the lobby and its assets, the strange actions of Michael Piper become understandable. This explains Piper's bizarre attacks on me and his strange relationship with Willis A. Carto and his German-born wife, Elisabeth. Piper is working for Mark Lane, not Willis Carto.
Mark Lane took over the assets of the Liberty Lobby in or around 1993, when the lobby was on the verge of bankruptcy. This information came directly from L.T. Patterson, the publisher of Criminal Politics, who was sued by Lane in 1994 for some $10 million. Patterson was able to fend off Lane, a Zionist wolf in sheep's clothing, and during the legal process learned that Lane owned the Liberty Lobby. When I asked Willis A. Carto if this was true, he swore at me on the phone and slammed down the receiver. Since my office at the lobby/newspaper was connected to Willis Carto's (from the summer of 2000) and having seen Lane, Carto, and Piper together on many occasions, I don't doubt for a minute that Patterson's information is true. I have never seen anything that would contradict it. This would mean that the so-called right-wing patriotic and anti-Semitic publications of the Liberty Lobby, such as the Spotlight and American Free Press, are actually controlled-opposition outfits controlled by the Zionist Jew, Mark Lane. This explains all the bizarre behavior I observed at the paper during my six years of working with the lobby and its publications.

When I spoke with Suzanne, Lane's first wife, about his work in Army Intelligence, she joked that he was the head of the C.I.A. Her joke is evidently not far from the truth.
Lane, it should be noted, was in U.S. Army intelligence in post-war Germany in 1945-47. This is the branch that became the C.I.A. after the war. Lane was paid some $5 million in legal fees by the Liberty Lobby, according to a veteran of the lobby. None of this is widely known among the people who read and support American Free Press. It is important because it shows how a Zionist Jew from the C.I.A. can actually control a movement that purports to be working for the American patriot audience. Lane's controlling role at the Liberty Lobby should be kept in mind when viewing the photos from his visit to Jonestown. Lane was a lawyer for Jim Jones and was present before, during, and after the mass killing.

Mark Lane (left) with Jonestown residents shortly before the killing. He witnessed the mass murder and reappeared shortly after having "gone missing."
"It is all swirling around Mark Lane..."
Rogers Worthington of the Chicago Tribune wrote that the gruesome events in Jonestown all seemed to revolve around Mark Lane:
Through it all is the tantalizing hint that Lane knows still more than he is willing to tell. Indeed, there are moments when events connected to Jonestown and the Peoples Temple seem to revolve around Mark Lane.
On one hand he obviously mourns the needless loss of so many lives, and on the the other hand he appears to be having the time of his life...
But somehow when Lane utters such charges today, as is often his wont, the credibility goes awash. The early bird of conspiracy theories can ruminate about Peoples Temple hit lists and secret assassination squads, and say things like "there is a force at work..." It's, ironically, the same phrase used by a now-dead Jonestown resident in describing to a Washington Post reporter the problems of the Peoples Temple: "...some force is working to disrupt and agitate..."
It is all swirling around Mark Lane, who is counsel, witness, and participant, and there are times when it just may be too much.
"I feel at this point there's no place to go to," he said. "I feel like the guy Robert Redford played in 'Three Days of the Condor,' at the end, that there's no place for good guys to go."
Six years later, Mark Lane found his place at the so-called patriotic, right-wing, and anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby working for Willis A. Carto. The Jewish lawyer Lane did very well for himself working for the anti-Semitic Willis Carto, so well in fact that with some of the $5 million he received in legal fees for defending the Liberty Lobby he was able to buy the lobby in 1993 and continue sowing fear among gullible Americans.
As Anthony Lewis wrote in his 1978 article about Lane entitled "The Mark of Zorro":
If another Mark Lane were passing judgment on these activities, he would surely sense a conspiracy to sow doubt and division in the country, to encourage morbid obsessions. I have always assumed that he was just a pitchman with an exceptional talent for preying on the gullible.
One would have to be extremely naive to think that Mark Lane was nothing more than that.

Sources and Recommended Reading (linked to original news articles):
"Father Cares: The Last of Jonestown", National Public Radio, 1981, by James Reston, Noah Adams, and Deborah Amos
Binder, David, "Reports Conflict on Status of Jones Cult's Finances," New York Times, December 16, 1978
Crewdson, John M., "Mark Lane and People's Temple: A Cause to Back, Then Condemn," New York Times, February 4, 1979
"Exclusive photos: Prelude to tragedy", Chicago Tribune, November 30, 1978)
"Fellow Lawyer Accuses Mark Lane in Jonestown Deaths," New York Times, September 21, 1979
Gallagher, Nora, "Jonestown: The Survivors' Story," New York Times, November 18, 1979
"Jones Cult's Fortune is $18 Million - and Climbing," Chicago Tribune, December 24, 1978
Lewis, Anthony, "Nightmare Brought to Life," New York Times, April 23, 1981
Lewis, Anthony, "The Mark of Zorro," New York Times, November 30, 1978
Worthington, Rogers , "Guyana tragedy puts lawyer Lane back in the limelight," Chicago Tribune, December 26, 1978
Responses to Criticism from Eric Hufschmid
May 17, 2009
After sending out the Citizen Action Plan to more than 500 readers asking them to bring the evidence of super-thermite to the attention of the media and government officials, I received very interesting comments from people who were or who claimed to be active members of the 9-11 truth movement, but who are now opposed to doing anything - now that we have scientific proof that the World Trade Center was blown up with super-thermite! Here I respond:
A Second Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
"...we are wasting our time if we search for more details about 9/11..."
Eric Hufschmid to Bollyn, 16 May 2009
RE: Eric Hufschmid's Hostile and Slanderous Article "Christopher Bollyn interviewed by Barbara Jean on 15 May 2009"
Your comments are, as usual, very hostile and clearly designed to sow suspicion about me and other 9-11 researchers such as Dr. Steven E. Jones. If anyone, such as Leon, should wonder why I can't work with you all they have to do is look at the things you have written about me. This latest piece is just a continuation of your agenda of sowing suspicion about me and what I write. You are the author of the ridiculous nonsense that I have been kidnapped and that I am not writing my own articles. You continue with this rubbish to this very day. You obviously have no intention of helping me as your comments clearly indicate. You have not even posted any of my very important articles about 9-11 since mid-2007, when I was forced to leave Chicago.
Either you don't understand the depth and extent of the international Zionist apparatus that convicted me and would have sent me to Cook County Jail, or you don't want to talk about it. Your sister's husband, James Murdoch, is a key player in the Zionist-controlled media and "heir-apparent" to his billionaire father Rupert Murdoch, a major Elder of Zion. Your mother's husband, a Jew or half-Jewish immigrant from Berlin if I remember correctly, is probably also a member, at least he would certainly be suspected as being one if we applied the same racial criteria that you do. Yet it is you who cast the most hostile slander and unfair suspicion on real 9-11 researchers, like me and Dr. Steven E. Jones. It appears that spreading suspicion and hatred is your only real agenda, besides appearing to be a newly-born and irrational anti-Semite. You say that researching 9-11 is a waste of time but you seem to have plenty of time to waste on smearing honest 9-11 researchers like myself.

James Murdoch is considered to be the son who will succeed his father Rupert at the helm of global media conglomerate News Corporation. James Murdoch is Eric Hufschmid's brother-in-law. Eric's father, Edward, is father-in-law to James and grandfather to two of Rupert Murdoch's grandchildren. Eric Hufschmid is an uncle to two of Rupert Murdoch's grandchildren. What a small world!
As was made clear during my trial, the people behind the attack on me in Cook County (Chicago) are the same people who are behind making Obama the president. It is not just a local problem in Cook County with a couple trumped-up misdemeanor charges caused by a few bad undercover police from Hoffman Estates. The people behind the brutal attack on me in August 2006 are from the very same Zionist network that is behind the 9-11 attacks and cover-up and which has attacked me for years. This network, which is based within the secret organization of Jewish Freemasons of B'nai B'rith, has a global reach and influences national governments around the world. Rupert Murdoch is at the top of this Zionist apparatus.
As I recall, you did not know anything about the Zionist criminal network until I explained the history of Zionism to you over a period of many months.
If I recall correctly, your book does not mention anything about the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11. I may be wrong, but I do not recall that you wrote anything that would inform the reader of your book that there has been a great deal of evidence of Israeli involvement in this crime since the day it occurred. 9-11 is clearly the greatest crime of the 21st Century, which began on January 1, 2000 - something you and your astute readers don't seem to understand. Dresden and crimes that occurred before 2000 are crimes that belong to the 20th Century. Centuries begin with the years that end with 00 and continue through for the next hundred years. You might want to point that out to your daffy reader who is critical of my calling 9-11 the "crime of the century." Perhaps you can tell me which crime that has occurred since 2000 is more heinous than 9-11. Maybe I missed something along the way, being so engrossed in solving 9-11 as I have been.
When I visited you in Santa Barbara, I saw that you worked very closely with your father who helped you with your book by doing things to promote the book and get it sent out to people. Your father, Edward, is also the father of Kathryn Hufschmid, who is married to James Murdoch, the "heir-apparent" of Rupert Murdoch -- one of the biggest Zionist media moguls in the world and one of the prime suspects of the false flag terror attacks of 9-11.
Murdoch's FOX News was the first media outlet that tried to smear me as an anti-Semite. How odd that you seem to be engaged in doing the exact same thing from another angle. Your father, with whom you work very closely, is the father-in-law of Murdoch's brightest son, James, and is the grandfather to the two Murdoch children born to James and Kathryn Hufschmid Murdoch. James is also said to be very close to his 77-year-old father and speaks to him each day on the phone.

James Murdoch
I find it hard to believe that Kathryn, your half-sister, who is married into the family of the multi-billionaire Rupert Murdoch, does not communicate with her father in California. Your half-sister Kathryn Anne Hufschmid was born in Santa Barbara on 14 November 1971, when you were already 16 years old. She is described in a recent article in Intelligent Life magazine: "a former marketing executive and model from Oregon, Kathryn Hufschmid, who now works for the Clinton Climate Initiative, the environmental arm of the former president’s foundation." In the late 1990s, Kathryn was involved in creating a new Bob Guccione Jr. magazine for men called Gear. James submitted cartoons for the same magazine, which featured scantily clad women. James is the son of Rupert Murdoch and Anna Maria Tõrv, whose Estonian father, Jakob, was a seaman who had settled in Scotland. After the Tõrv family emmigrated to Australia in the mid-1950s, her Scottish mother abandoned the family leaving Anna to care for her younger siblings.

Anna Maria Tõrv, Rupert Murdoch's second wife, is the daughter of an Estonian seaman. Anna Tõrv Murdoch-Mann is the mother of James.
Public records show that Kathryn Hufschmid lived in Salem, Oregon until she was at least 22 years old and that your father, Edward, lived nearby. It certainly appears that your father and his daughter Kathryn were in close contact when she was working as a model in her early 20s.
Now that Kathryn is married to James Murdoch, she certainly has the money to make phone calls and visit and there is no reason why she would not help out her old dad in Santa Barbara. He is, after all, her father and the grandfather of her two children. Your dad and Rupert Murdoch are actually quite close, they are the two grandfathers of Anneka (6) and Walter Murdoch (3). You are an uncle to two of Rupert Murdoch's grandchildren. A closer family relationship to the Murdoch family is hard to imagine.

The Murdochs in 2008 - James is on the left with his wife, Kathryn Hufschmid. Eric Hufschmid's father is James' father-in-law and grandfather, with Rupert, of their two small children. Rupert Murdoch, a devoted Zionist, made a film that depicted the exact events of 9-11 - in 2000.
The Murdochs are important because they have been major players in the cover-up of 9-11 and propagandists pushing the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I find it hard to imagine that they have not contacted you. I suspect they are actually supporting your ridiculous calls for anti-Semitic violence, which are as dangerous as they are stupid. Oddly, despite your anti-Semitic writings and calls for violence, nothing has happened to you or your comfortable life in Santa Barbara. The worst thing that has happened to you is that serious 9-11 researchers ignore you. It's certainly not hard to see why - you seem ridiculous.
Lastly, your comments clearly show that you are not interested in any further investigation of 9-11. Finding the people who put tons of super-thermite in the World Trade Center does not interest you in the slightest. This makes no sense at all. You spend several years writing and speaking about 9-11 and when solid proof is finally found of super-thermite in the twin towers, you say discussing it is a waste of time! You even go so far as to say that we "waste our lives" discussing the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC. How much sense does that make?
In your unscientific way of thinking, you wrote in your book that the molten metal pouring off the WTC 2 was probably liquified human remains. Rather than seriously address the evidence of molten iron and the scientific evidence of super-thermite -- and investigate who put tons of nano-composite thermite in the World Trade Center, you want to promote a anti-Semitic crusade against Jews. I am sorry, Eric, but I can see no reason why I would even want to talk with you. I sincerely hope that Leon can understand me.
You wrote about yourself in your posting about my recent radio show: "I stopped investigating 9/11 several years ago. I think we have more than enough evidence to prove that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives..."
and later: "...we are wasting our time if we search for more details about 9/11..."
and again: "Nothing will improve if we waste our lives discussing the latest report about thermite from the suspicious Professor Steven Jones."
and finally: "We've already done enough of an analysis of 9/11, the HoloHoax, etc. We don't need any more details about these crimes."
Eric, it is clear to me that talking with you is a "waste of time." You have no intention of helping solve 9-11. As you say in your own words, finding the individuals who carried out the "crime of the century" is "wasting our time."
I'm sorry that you see it that way and are so hostile and unfriendly to real 9-11 researchers. It's really quite pitiful.
Christopher Bollyn
Response No. 1
Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
12 May 2009
I don't have any interest in 9/11 because nobody has been asking me for details about 9/11 for many years.
- Eric Hufschmid, author of Painful Questions, in a message to Christopher Bollyn on May 8, 2009
I am writing to you about your clear and stated lack of interest in the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center and the 9-11 truth movement.
Your recently-stated lack of interest in 9-11 is nothing new, as you and I both know. Years ago you encouraged me to give up my research on 9-11. You never expressed any interest in the thermite evidence. You wouldn't even come to Utah, from California, to meet with Dr. Steven E. Jones when I invited you to meet him in March 2006. Now that Dr. Jones has produced scientific proof of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC -- you don't show the slightest interest. You have not even presented this crucial discovery on your website. First you claimed to be a 9-11 activist for the truth, with family ties to Rupert Murdoch and all of that -- and now that we have solid scientific proof of an inside conspiracy to pulverize the twin towers, you avoid it.
Eric, your interest in 9-11 has always been rather superficial. I recall a comment that you wrote in your book, when you talk about the molten metal falling from the tower. Because you could not accept that it was molten metal, you wrote something about it being liquified human remains. Utter nonsense, of course, but it did not stop you from putting it in your book. As twisted and ridiculous as it sounds, you went ahead and published it.
Now, regarding your last email to me on Friday, May 8:
ERIC HUFSCHMID wrote: My lack of interest in 9/11 is NOT like [Michael] Rupert or [Gregory] Zeigler. I don't have any interest in 9/11 because nobody has been asking me for details about 9/11 for many years.
BOLLYN: Wrong. Your "lack of interest" is exactly like theirs. You are not interested because nobody is asking you for details? What kind of excuse is that? I am interested in solving 9-11 because it is an immense crime that demands to be solved. Nobody ever asks me for any details about 9/11. But how would that change anything? This is a very irrational response. Are you only writing about things that some people ask you about?
HUFSCHMID wrote: I am getting a lot more questions about you and your family, Zionism, the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, and Jews in general. In fact, I have had more questions over the past year about how you can receive money sent to a P.O. Box in Chicago.
BOLLYN: My post office box is in Hoffman Estates, not Chicago. Have you and your readers never heard of mail forwarding? How much of a mystery is that? If that is the mystery that has you and your readers stumped I would say that you must not get many good questions.
HUFSCHMID wrote: And your question about why I would want to help you with your website when I'm not interested in 9/11 sounds like subtle Jewish propaganda. I was offering to help you regardless of what the content of your articles were. You could write about the sinking of the Estonia, or Bernie Madoff, or anything else. I don't care.
BOLLYN: But you don't help me at all. You don't even post my articles and you claim that I am kidnapped. Why would I want help from you? You have been nothing but a one-man wrecking crew against me and my family since I was forced to leave Chicago in June 2007. Since then you have spread vicious lies and slander about me in an effort to attack my credibility and sow suspicion about my character. You obviously don't give a damn about 9-11, which is the main thrust of my work. Why, pray tell, would I have anything to do with you?
HUFSCHMID wrote: What happened to that interview between you and Susie of the Patriot Dames? Don't tell me you're too busy for an interview. It only takes an hour or two for you to talk to her.
BOLLYN: I didn't do an interview with Patriot Dames nor did I make plans to do one. Who are the Patriot Dames, anyway? They wrote me an email but never told me anything about their show or who they were. I couldn't find any of their interviews on the website that I was able to listen to. I will be on with Barbara Jean on RBN this Friday, at least I plan to be. I am not going to go on the air with people I don't know or who are only agents of entrapment. Your radio career with Darrel B. Setters (a.k.a. Darrel Bradford Smith), a person you had never even met, showed me enough about that. When you and Smith began fomenting violence on your show, I quit talking with you. I won't step in the same bucket twice. People can be thrown in jail for many years for inciting violence. I do not support violence as a solution to anything.
HUFSCHMID wrote: Your strange behavior is frightening people...
BOLLYN: My strange behavior is frightening people? Exactly what do you mean by that? Tell me one thing that I have done or said that can be considered strange by a rational observer. Eric, really, it is you who is not making sense.
I hope my comments help you to see the error of your ways and bring you to your senses about the importance of dealing with the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center.
Christopher Bollyn