Print Contact Radio Interviews Bollyn on RBN - April 6, 2010

Bollyn on RBN - April 6, 2010

I was on the Morning Liberty Show with R.J. Hender on Tuesday, April 6.  The show is broadcast online at: from 7 - 9 a.m. (Central Time).  Here are the links to the show:

Click to link to first hour of show:

Click to link to second hour of show:

We discussed the recent decision by the FAA to allow pilots to fly on Prozac and other SSRI anti-depressants.  This is a very bad decision that puts the public at increased risk.  I will be writing more about this subject in the coming days.  The widespread use of these anti-depressants (some $10 billion per year) is one of the reasons for the increase in suicides among U.S. veterans and the general public.  SSRI medications are dangerous, especially when one quits taking them "cold turkey" as Maj. Gen. Mark Graham's 21-year-old son did - before he took his life.  Kevin Graham did not die from depression.  He died from the side-effects of abruptly quitting Prozac.

I edited a book on Prozac in 2007 by Dr. Ann Blake Tracy and learned a great deal in the process about its effects and dangers.  I first heard about these SSRI anti-depressants from Ellen Mariani, a 9-11 widow, who told me that the 9-11 relatives had been prescribed drugs like Prozac by Red Cross doctors to whom they had been sent.  Oddly, the editor at American Free Press cut this information from my article and was strongly opposed to my writing articles linking the school shootings with these dangerous medications.  President George H.W. Bush had been a director on the board of Eli Lilly Co., the manufacturer of Prozac.

Christopher Bollyn (left) with Mark Taylor, who was shot at Columbine High School.  The shooters at Columbine had been medicated with these medications.  Taylor brought a lawsuit against the makers of the drugs but was forced to quit the suit under threats from lawyers of the drug companies.

We also discussed the recent revelation by Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a military expert, who supports my thesis that 9-11 was an Israeli intelligence false-flag operation.

Recommended reading: 

"Dallas Contact Crisis Line forum to raise awareness of military suicides," by David Tarrant, March 25, 2010, The Dallas Morning News  

Extract: But at some point around then, he stopped taking his medication, apparently too embarrassed to admit to the military that he needed it. "He had told no one in ROTC" that he was taking Prozac, his mother said.
The Grahams feel guilt-ridden over Kevin's death to this day. "I knew Kevin had been having problems," Mark Graham said. "But it never even entered my mind that he could die from [depression]."

“AMERICA OVERDOSED - The Role of Anti-Depressants in Columbine and Other Killings” by Christopher Bollyn, August 31, 2006

“The commander's shared scars - Maj. Gen. Mark Graham, Fort Carson's compassionate new leader, has borne the hardship of losing two sons”, by Erin Emery, The Denver Post, March 9, 2008  

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