Dear Colleagues:

I think most neural therapists would agree that finding interference fields is one of the most intellectually satisfying things we do.  This is especially true if the patient responds well and lastingly to treatment. However good and lasting responses do not always occur.  The reason in these cases is that something is continuing to irritate the interference field.  In other words (as Janet Travel would say about muscle trigger points), there is a "perpetuating factor".

An example might be an interference field at the gastro-esophageal junction causing reflux.  These are common and often respond nicely to injecting a few quaddles of dilute procaine into the skin over the interference field, or treatment with a Tenscam or some other energetic device.  However if the reflux does not respond well, or returns after a short period of time, the perpetuating factor(s) must be found and dealt with.  In the case of reflux, a common cause of continuing irritation is a food sensitivity.

Another example might be an interference field in the liver, often associated with fatigue, depression, nausea or malaise etc. Neural therapy is a useful tool in treatment but will not achieve lasting success if the patient has had or continues to have a toxic exposure to (for example) organic solvents. Usually the patient will need to undergo some sort of detoxification as well as discontinuing contact with the offending toxin.

When I was first learning neural therapy, the interference fields that responded poorly or recurred after treatment were a source of frustration to me. I wondered if I were doing something wrong or missing more important interference fields. However as the years have gone by, I am more and more finding these difficult interference fields to be intellectual challenges in their own right that provide their own satisfactions when solved. 

Before presenting a couple of cases illustrating this, I want to first mention that I have recently read a book that I can recommend and which pertains to this subject.  It is called "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox" by Kate Rheaume-Bleue. The theme of the book is that Vitamin K2 plays a critical role in the distribution of calcium in the body - directing it to bones and teeth and preventing it from accumulating in soft tissues such as coronary arteries, tendons and kidneys.  And vitamin K2 deficiency is common in western society.

This knowledge came to mind while treating an otherwise healthy 66-year old woman with delayed union of 4th and 5th metatarsal fractures of her left foot.  In my experience, delayed union of fractures respond quickly and well to neural therapy - relief from pain and signs of new healing appearing on X-ray within a week or two.  However in this case, my patient's response was inexplicably slow.  Her foot pain was complicated by referred pain from trigger points in the extensor digitorum longus muscle, but even with treatment of these, months were passing by with only very slow progress. It was then I decided to check (through autonomic response testing) if she might be vitamin K2 deficient and indeed she was.  Supplementing 240 mcg per day (in addition to the vitamin D and A she was already taking) resulted in marked improvement in pain and swelling within a week or two.

A second case was even more unusual - also in a healthy woman in her sixties. She had a chronic (thankfully mild) nagging pain in her right flank that she attributed to a (documented) kidney stone.  She was refusing surgical treatment because the pain was not bad enough to warrant the risks of surgery. What caught my attention was that she could not take vitamin D, even though her serum level was very low(42 nml.L or 16.8 ng/ml), because oral supplementation made her "kidney ache". (She did not have sarcoidosis!) Autonomic response testing indicated an interference field in her right kidney, which responded to the presence of vitamin K2.

I recommended that she take oral vitamin A and K for a week before challenging her kidney with vitamin D.  This she did and experienced no kidney pain even after a full week of vitamin D supplementation.

We know from Pischinger's research that interference fields can profoundly affect the body's biochemistry.  It should come as no surprise that chemistry and other systemic factors can affect interference fields.  So when interference fields keep coming back after good neural therapy treatment, it is time to look for "perpetuating factors".  This is when we must draw upon all our medical knowledge, go beyond the simple nervous system paradigm and consider what might be irritating the interference field and causing it to recur.



Comprehensive Neural Therapy Training:

Six three-day segments over two years, followed by examination and certification. 
Taught by: Dr. Uli Aldag MD of Berlin, Germany.
Hosted by: Dr. Michael Gurevich MD of Long Island NY.

First session: June 19-21, 2015 in Long Island, NY


Introductory Neural Therapy:

Stephan Weinschenk of Heidelberg University is inviting English-speaking physicians to two neural therapy seminars on July 3-4th and July 24-25th 2015.  As far as he knows, this will be the first time neural therapy courses have been offered in English in Europe.

More information will be posted here or at as it becomes available. 



There have been numerous requests for neural therapy teaching in English in recent years and I am pleased to announce two new options.  I have personally met both Dr Weinschenk and Dr Aldag and can assure potential students that both are charming people, speak English well, and are excellent teachers.  

A free Spanish language neural therapy newsletter is available, published by D. David Vinjes of Barcelona, Spain at  Sign up at the site!  Discussions are underway with regard to translating both English and Spanish literature.  Feedback with regard to interest is invited from you, the readership of this newsletter.

Your feedback is always welcome.
I invite your comments and questions-as well as brief case histories.  Please e-mail me at

Contact Information


email:    [email protected]
phone:  613-432-6596
